Baltimore Sun

Libertaria­ns back sentencing reform


Thank you for your editorial concerning the relatively modest changes to our federal criminal sentencing guidelines (“Congress should move forward on sentencing reform,” Nov. 20). I do find it interestin­g, though, that up to this point your newspaper has not made any effort to cover the strong position on this issue taken by both the national and Maryland Libertaria­n Party. Sentencing reform has been a major plank in the party's platform for a significan­t time, holding a position that would generally be considered even more "liberal" than the position taken by liberal Democrats. But your newspaper has never made any effort to cover the Libertaria­n Party, even during the recent midterm elections, to discover and discuss the positions taken by libertaria­ns on important social issues (“Sun ignores the Libertaria­n candidates,” Aug. 14). I guess you are not in favor of more than two-party elections.

Is that the best attitude to take if you actually believe in your front-page maxim "Light for All"?

David Griggs, Columbia

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