Baltimore Sun

Consider farmland in bay crossing study

- By John Piotti

Some might not think of it this way, but farmland is critical infrastruc­ture akin to roads and bridges. It is the source of the food that sustains us. In addition, farmland provides open space, areas for recreation and habitat for wildlife. It controls floods, suppresses fires, filters water and represents a vast carbon sink to mitigate — and even help reverse — climate change. Think Maryland’s Eastern Shore.

As Americans blessed with a remarkably productive agricultur­al landscape we need to take a holistic vision of the future, one that acknowledg­es farmland as irreplacea­ble infrastruc­ture we cannot afford to lose, supports environmen­tally sound farming practices and views farmers as the stewards of that land, worthy of our fervent support — because, at heart, what these farmers do is for all of us.

That’s why we are asking the Maryland Department of Transporta­tion to consider farmland among the impacts in the Chesapeake Bay Crossing Study.

Farmland contribute­s a trillion dollars a year to the U.S. economy — over $8.25 billion from Maryland’s agricultur­al land, and $3 billion of value add. Farming is a critical economic engine for the shore. Queen Anne’s County alone boasts the most farmland acres and the largest farming economy in the state of Maryland. Kent County has the largest percentage of land devoted to agricultur­e of all counties in Maryland at 76 percent. Talbot and Caroline counties are similarly reliant on farming and farmland.

Importantl­y, well-managed farmland is a one-of-a-kind-tool in the fight against climate change and can help Maryland meet its 2020 goal to reduce greenhouse gasses (GHGs) by 34.66 million tons. According to the 2017 annual report of the Maryland Commission on Climate Change “land conservati­on and sustainabl­e management offers an important mechanism for mitigating and adapting to climate change [helping] to avoid or diminish additional GHG emissions which would be associated with developmen­t.

In May, American Farmland Trust (AFT) released the most comprehens­ive assessment ever undertaken on the loss of U.S. farmland: Farms Under Threat: TheState of America’s Farmland. It found that between 1992 and 2012, almost 31 million acres of farmland were lost – that’s 175 acres per hour no longer available to produce food, fuel and fiber. Other key findings include:

• Nearly twice the area of farmland was lost than was previously shown;

• Developmen­t disproport­ionately occurred on agricultur­al lands, with 62 percent of all developmen­t occurring on farmland;

• Expanding urban areas accounted for 59 percent of the loss. Low-density residentia­l developmen­t, or the building of houses on 1 to 20-acre parcels, accounted for 41 percent.

A subsequent report will analyze statelevel data on past farmland conversion and the effectiven­ess of state-level farmland protection policies including a state policy score card.

“Farms Under Threat” identified that only 17 percent or so of all the land in the continenta­l United States is suited for intensive food and crop production. Maryland’s Eastern Shore is blessed with a high percentage of prime farmland and must be protected — as high as 77 percent for counties like Kent and 55 percent for Queen Anne’s county.

And while establishi­ng a new bridge corridor or expanding the current one followed by the expansion of necessary highways may be the most obvious approach to addressing traffic congestion, there is growing consensus that this approach is ineffectiv­e.

Alternativ­e solutions to traffic congestion have been proposed and should be considered — a regional transporta­tion authority and system, managed demand strategies, and land use policies that promote compact growth and walkable communitie­s to name just a few. These alternativ­es are in line with the Maryland Commission on Climate Change’s recommenda­tions, which emphasize the need to avoid or reduce future growth in vulnerable coastal areas (like the Chesapeake Bay region).

In AFT’s analyses, developmen­t has been shown to follow highways and thus is a significan­t driver of farmland conversion. Developmen­t has unintended and often unobserved consequenc­es on farming. It uproots farmers, pushes food production to more marginal lands and hampers the ability of remaining farmers to do what they do productive­ly.

We need to save the land that sustains us. No farms? No food, no future.

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