Baltimore Sun




The plea deals were signed, the sentencing begun,

But Mueller, alas, was STILL not quite done.

The Dems had high hopes; the House was won!

They envisioned impeachmen­t, a prez undone.

But the dominoes fall so slowly, it seems: Thirty-three others caught — not the man of their dreams.

Meanwhile, Grinch Trump lobs bombs with his tweets;

“Horseface,” he types, and claims many false feats.

He trashes democracy, truth — newspeople, too,

And feeds us all lies, a big pile of doo. He’s Christian, he says, but won’t say the Creed,

At 41’s funeral; the words he won’t heed. But let’s not forget, five advisers did fall, So maybe the big man is next, after all? Is that too much to ask from ex-G-man Mueller?

That his probe grow better and not — we fear — duller?

More rapid than gunfire his proof will appear,

Andhe’ll shout out snitch names for all us

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