Baltimore Sun

Trump administra­tion offers major rollback of water rules


WASHINGTON — Cabinet chiefs and GOP lawmakers celebrated alongside farm and business leaders Tuesday as the Trump administra­tion made good on one of its biggest promised environmen­tal rollbacks, proposing to lift federal protection­s for thousands of waterways and wetlands nationwide.

Environmen­tal groups called the proposed overhaul a grave assault on the aims of the 1972 Clean Water Act, the foundation­al U.S. water protection law. Administra­tion supporters praised President Donald Trump for knocking back what they said was federal overreach.

Environmen­tal groups said the Trump administra­tion proposal would have a sweeping impact on how the country safeguards the nation’s waterways, scaling back not just a 2015 Obama administra­tion interpreta­tion of federal jurisdicti­on but also how federal agencies enforce the Clean Water Act.

The Trump administra­tion would withdraw federal protection­s for wetlands nationally unless they are connected to another federally protected water- way, and generally for streams, creeks, washes, ditches and ponds that exist only during and immediatel­y after a rain.

Environmen­tal groups say the kind of isolated wetlands, rain-fed streams and often dry washes that would lose federal protection­s also help buffer communitie­s from the worsening impact of drought, floods and hurricanes under climate change.

The rules now go up for public comment, ahead of any final adoption by the Trump administra­tion. Environmen­tal groups promise legal challenges.

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