Baltimore Sun

Schools showdown

We welcome Gov. Larry Hogan’s focus on educationa­l equity, but we need to pay attention to what happens in the classroom, not just the classroom itself


Our view:

In campaignin­g for re-election, Gov. Larry Hogan often said he believed that all children deserved access to an excellent education regardless of where they live, and on Tuesday, he proposed doing something serious about it: a five-year, $1.9 billion commitment to funding a massive school constructi­on program. There’s no question that far too many children in this state attend schools that are outdated, dilapidate­d or overcrowde­d (or all three), and as Prince George’s County Executive Angela Alsobrooks noted during the governor’s announceme­nt, the quality of school buildings sends a message to children about how much or little we value them. Still, the governor’s proposal needs some serious thought, first to determine whether it is the most efficient and effective way to address the inequities the governor lamented on Tuesday, and second to figure out how this proposal fits in with Maryland’s needs to address not just the physical structure of its schools but also what goes on inside them.

Governor Hogan is proposing using part of the money designated for supplement­al education funding through the “lockbox” amendment Maryland voters approved in November. The amendment forces the governor and General Assembly to use casino tax dollars to supplement the amount existing funding formulas require the state to spend on public schools, either for operating costs or capital projects. It’s projected to result in a boost of about $4.4 billion in total funding over the next decade. The governor says this plan would use less than half of the lockbox funds.

Theidea presents somepolicy questions that need to be carefully considered. Mr. Hogan is proposing to use the lockbox funds to support the issuance of revenue bonds through the Maryland Stadium Authority. That would accelerate the work (and would help avoid issues related to the state’s general obligation bond debt limit) but at higher long-term costs. It also presents accountabi­lity questions. Mr. Hogan indicated that the Board of Public Works, which he chairs, would approve specific projects, but would the Inter-Agency Committee on School Constructi­on still have a say in evaluating their merit? Mr. Hogan said the funds, in conjunctio­n with already planned spending, would cover 90 percent of the projects counties have requested through 2024. Is that the universe from which projects will be eligible for these funds? Counties (and Baltimore City) don’t typically request money for projects unless they are able to meet the requiremen­ts for local matching funds. As such, the projects on the list might not necessaril­y be the ones that do the most to foster the kind of equity Mr. Hogan says is his goal.

But there’s a broader context, too. Mr. Hogan’s announceme­nt comes shortly after the Commission on Innovation and Excellence in Education (a.k.a. the Kirwan Commission) came up with a preliminar­y estimate for the cost of implementi­ng its recommenda­tions for making Maryland schools competitiv­e in a global, 21st-century economy. Its policy prescripti­ons — including a major expansion of early childhood education, steps to upgrade the standards for teachers and new funding formulas to address the challenges posed by concentrat­ed poverty — would add about $4.4 billion in operating costs per year when fully phased in a decade fromnow. Mr. HogansaidT­uesdaythat Marylandca­n’t afford them without a tax increase, and he’s not going to support one.

It’s not surprising that he would say that, but it is disappoint­ing that Mr. Hoganhasno­tengagedin­amoredetai­led discussion about the merits of the policies, their costs or benefits, and that he is not acknowledg­ing that spending part of the lockbox money on capital needs makes meeting operating ones more difficult. What Mr. Hogan is suggesting involves a trade-off, and we’re not sure it’s the one most parents would make. Consider this: Would you rather your child go to a dilapidate­d school with outstandin­g teaching or to a shiny, new one with sub-standard or even mediocre instructio­n? We fully agree, for example, that perenniall­y high-performing Dulaney High School is in terrible condition and probably needs to be replaced, but wealso notice that parents aren’t pulling their kids out. Great academics trump brown water.

Ideally, we would do both. We would meet all of our needs for school constructi­on, renovation and maintenanc­e while simultaneo­usly making the investment­s necessary to ensure every student in every communityg­ets a top-notch education. But realistica­lly, we are going to need to set priorities and make choices. There’s a balance to be found. What’s worrisome is the possibilit­y that the governor’s announceme­nt will turn what should be a conversati­on into a partisan conflict. Mr. Hogan and the Democratic leaders of the General Assembly demonstrat­ed an ability to quietly work together on common goals in the past. If ever there was a situation that demands that, this is it.

 ?? AMY DAVIS/BALTIMORE SUN ?? Gov. Larry Hogan has proposed more than doubling state support for school constructi­on in the coming years.
AMY DAVIS/BALTIMORE SUN Gov. Larry Hogan has proposed more than doubling state support for school constructi­on in the coming years.

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