Baltimore Sun

Frankel says allergy almost killed her


Bethenny Frankel says she came within five minutes of death after she experience­d an allergic reaction to fish.

The “Real Housewives of New York” cast member was recently rushed to a hospital, she revealed in a series of tweets Monday evening.

“I have (a) rare fish allergy,” Frankel began. “Sunday, I had soup, itched & was unconsciou­s for 15 mins then to ER & ICU for 2 days w BP of 60/40. I couldn’t talk, see, thought I had a stroke & dying & told if 5 mins later I’d be dead.”

Frankel added that “911 & EPI saved me” and went on to promise, “I’ll never not carry an #epipen.”

The reality star said in a response to a fan that she was “so grateful” for the hospital that treated her.

Frankel, 48, told another tweeter, meanwhile, that she is only allergic to non-shellfish.

She did not specify which types of fish she’s allergic to, or what kind set off her allergic reaction.

A fish allergy can sometimes be life-threatenin­g, according to the Food Allergy and Research & Education nonprofit, which notes that approximat­ely 40 percent of people who suffer from the allergy do not suffer a reaction until adulthood. The organizati­on also points out that allergies to fish and shellfish are unrelated.

Frankel is an original member of “The Real Housewives of New York” cast and the founder of the Skinnygirl brand of cocktails and other products.

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