Baltimore Sun

Harris picks Baltimore as site for headquarte­rs

- By Jeff Barker and Luke Broadwater

U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris has selected Baltimore for her campaign headquarte­rs if, as expected, she runs for president in 2020, according to sources familiar with the California Democrat’s plans.

Harris picked Baltimore because of its diversity, its proximity to Washington and because it is in the Eastern time zone, said the sources, who requested anonymity because Harris has not yet announced her plans.

An announceme­nt on her candidacy is expected soon. Harris’ Senate office declined to comment on her plans, including the selection of Baltimore.

One of the sources, who is close to the potential campaign, said the location of nearby BWI Marshall Airport was also a plus because it offers cross-country flights to Harris’ home state.

Harris has made occasional appearance­s in Maryland politics, most recently endorsing Ben Jealous this summer during his unsuccessf­ul gubernator­ial campaign. She also appeared in 2017 at the NAACP convention in Baltimore, where she called for national reform of cash bail and other criminal justice issues.

Harris has ties to Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby, who held a fundraiser in Los Angeles featuring the senator during Mosby’s re-election campaign. Mosby also has said she consulted with Harris after being elected, seeking to draw on her experience as a prosecutor in San Francisco and as California's attorney general.

“It’s the right choice," said Krish Vignarajah, a former Democratic gubernator­ial candidate, of the Baltimore decision. “The race ought to focus on the future of cities like Baltimore. And Senator Harris is incredibly inspiring — hard not to love a strong, vertically challenged woman of color!”

Harris, 54, grew up in Oakland and is of Jamaican and Indian descent. She was elected in 2016 to the Senate after serving as California’s attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and as San Francisco district attorney before that.

Harris would join what is expected to be a wide Democratic field.

U.S. Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts have announced explorator­y committees, and former U.S. Housing and Urban Developmen­t Secretary Julián Castro and former Maryland Rep. John Delaney have announced their candidacie­s.

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