Baltimore Sun

Two letters to the editor that broke my heart


Some 53 million citizens voted for Donald Trump with the assistance of Russian hackers. It can be assumed that some of them bought Mr. Trump’s snake oil thinking that it would provide succor to whatever was ailing them. The coal miners, I guess, really believed he was the answer to providing them with jobs. Actually, he was the answer to the elite, as during his reign income inequality is going off the charts. And the poor are even poorer.

Yet some of his acolytes, rather than gloating, are writing letters of complaint to The Baltimore Sun. The latest two broke my heart. In the first, “Paying for diapers another handout for the poor” (Jan. 15), the letter writer is upset that “someone is advocating for free diapers.” He trots out the usual blather — socialism, staying home making babies and the growing welfare state. It puzzles me very much that the wealthy who rip off the system and do so by buying members of Congress escaped the letter writer’s wrath.

The second letter, “Without Trump, what would The Sun write about?” (Jan. 15), suggests that The Sun should ignore all of the conviction­s and indictment­s of Mr. Trump’s inner circle. The president said he was going to drain the swamp. Actually, special counsel Robert S. Mueller III seems to be cleaning out Mr. Trump’s swamp. I would think that is newsworthy.

I couldn’t miss the levity in this letter. The writer indicated that President Trump will be in office for six more years. The only possible waythat could happen is if the office was a jail cell.

Max Obuszewski, Baltimore

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