Baltimore Sun

FAA chief defends Max jet safety approvals

Expects Boeing to submit software fix in ‘next week or so’

- By David Koenig, Marcy Gordon and Tom Krisher

WASHINGTON — The acting head of the Federal Aviation Administra­tion said Wednesday that Boeing should have done more to explain an automated flight-control system on its 737 Max aircraft before two deadly crashes, but he defended his agency’s safety certificat­ion of the plane and its decision not to ground the jet until other regulators around the world had already done so.

The FAA official, Daniel Elwell, said he expects Boeing to submit a fix to the plane’s flight-control software “in the next week or so.” The FAA will analyze the changes, conduct test flights and determine what additional pilot training is needed before letting the planes fly again, he said.

“In the U.S., the 737 Max will return to service only when the FAA’s analysis of the facts and technical data indicate that it is safe to do so,” he told members of the House aviation subcommitt­ee.

During a two-hour hearing, lawmakers pressed Elwell on the FAA’s reliance on designated Boeing employees during the planes’ certificat­ion process and why the agency didn’t ground the planes sooner.

Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., told Elwell that the public believes “you were in bed with those you were supposed to be regulating, and that’s why it took so long” to ground the planes.

Other lawmakers defended Boeing and suggested that the Oct. 29 crash of a Lion Air jet off Indonesia and the March 10 crash of an Ethiopian Airlines Max jet were due at least partly to pilot error. A total of 346 people were killed in the crashes.

“It bothers me that we continue to tear down our system based on what has happened in two other countries,” said Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo.

Across Capitol Hill, a Senate committee held a confirmati­on hearing for President Donald Trump’s choice to lead the FAA, former Delta Air Lines pilot and executive Stephen Dickson. He promised senators that he would make sure the FAA does not become captive to the industry it regulates.

House Aviation subcommitt­ee Chairman Rick Larsen opened the hearing by declaring that, “The FAA has a credibilit­y problem.”

Larsen, however, added a note of economic urgency to the FAA’s upcoming decision on the plane’s safety. The 737 Max is Boeing’s best-selling plane and it is built in his home state of Washington.

Larsen said Congress must help make the public feel safe about flying because “if they don’t fly, airlines don’t need to buy airplanes,” and “then there will be no jobs” in aircraft manufactur­ing.

Rep. Peter DeFazio, DOre., struck a sharper tone, criticizin­g Boeing for pilot manuals that didn’t mention a new automated flight-control system implicated in both accidents.

DeFazio, who heads the full Transporta­tion Committee, also said he and Larsen have been frustrated after requesting documents from Boeing to aid in the panel’s investigat­ion.

“Boeing has yet to provide a single document,” he said. “We’ve got to get to the bottom of this.”

Boeing is already the subject of a criminal investigat­ion by the Justice Department. Boeing customers Southwest Airlines and American Airlines and their pilot unions have received subpoenas related to that investigat­ion; United Airlines, which also flew the Max until it was grounded in March, declined to comment, although its pilot union confirmed that it too has received a subpoena.

The Transporta­tion Department’s inspector general and two congressio­nal committees are looking into the FAA’s relationsh­ip with Boeing.

Elwell defended the FAA’s 2017 approval of the Max including its new automated flight- control system that can push the nose of the plane down if a single sensor detects that the plane could be nearing an aerodynami­c stall.

That system, called MCAS, was triggered on both fatal flights by faulty sensor readings, and pilots were not able to regain control of the planes as they plunged to Earth. Airlines and pilots were not told about MCAS until after the October crash.

“When I first heard of this, (I) thought that the MCAS should have been more adequately explained in the ops manual and the flight manual,” Elwell said.

He said he expects more explanatio­n to accompany Boeing’s fix for the plane, “to make pilots more aware and respond better to an anomaly.”

Boeing is now reducing the power of MCAS to tilt the plane down, and linking the system to two sensors instead of one.

Under questionin­g, Elwell said Boeing should not have waited more than a year to tell FAA and airlines that another feature — a light that indicates when informatio­n from flight sensors might be unreliable — did not work.

Elwell said the light was not critical for safety — Boeing has said the same thing — although some lawmakers seemed skeptical.

The Dallas Morning News reported that American Airlines pilots pressed Boeing in November — shortly after the first Max crash — on potentiall­y grounding the planes and pushed for a quick software fix from the plane maker.

“We don’t want to do a crappy job of fixing things, and we also don’t want to fix the wrong things,” a Boeing employee responded, according to a recording reviewed by the newspaper.

Elwell was joined at the House hearing by Robert Sumwalt, chairman of the National Transporta­tion Safety Board. No Boeing representa­tives were invited to testify.

Nadia Milleron, whose daughter, Samya Stumo, was on the Ethiopian Airlines plane, was in the audience. She said FAA seems to be rushing to approve Boeing’s fixes to the Max. “It is possible that these planes should never go back in the air,” she said.

Milleron’s family is suing Boeing and Ethiopian Airlines.

 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/GETTY ?? FAA acting administra­tor Daniel Elwell, left, talks with Michael Stumo and Nadia Milleron, parents of an Ethiopian Air crash victim, at a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A/GETTY FAA acting administra­tor Daniel Elwell, left, talks with Michael Stumo and Nadia Milleron, parents of an Ethiopian Air crash victim, at a hearing Wednesday on Capitol Hill.

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