Baltimore Sun

‘Medicare for All’ exceeds what other nations offer

House budget panel to hold hearing on health care proposal

- By Ricardo Alonso-Zaldivar

WASHINGTON — Generous benefits. No copays. No need for private policies. The “Medicare for All” plan advocated by leading 2020 Democrats appears more lavish than what’s offered in other advanced countries, compoundin­g the cost but also potentiall­y broadening its popular appeal.

While other countries do provide coverage for all, benefits vary. Canada’s plan, often cited as a model, does not cover outpatient prescripti­on drugs and many Canadians have private insurance for medication­s. Many countries don’t cover long-term care.

But the Medicare for All plan from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders would charge no copays or deductible­s for medical care, allowing only limited costsharin­g for certain prescripti­on drugs. Sanders would cover long-term care home and communityb­ased services. Dental, vision and hearing coverage would be included. The House version of the legislatio­n is along similar lines.

“Medicare for All proposals would leapfrog other countries in terms of essentiall­y eliminatin­g private insurance and out-ofpocket costs, and providing very expansive benefits,” said Larry Levitt, a health policy expert with the nonpartisa­n Kaiser Family Foundation. “It raises questions about how realistic the proposals are.”

Shifting the U.S. health care system to a government-run “single-payer” plan is one of the top issues in the 2020 Democratic presidenti­al primary, but the candidates are divided. Some have endorsed Sanders’ call, while others want to expand coverage within the current mix of private and government insurance. Independen­t studies estimate Medicare for All would increase government spending — from $25 trillion to $35 trillion or more over 10 years. It stands no chance with Republican­s controllin­g the White House and the Senate, but it is getting hearings in the Democratic-led House.

Economist Sherry Glied, dean of NewYork University’s Wagner School of Public Policy, says the offer of generous benefits may be needed to persuade Americans satisfied with employer coverage that they would be better off in a new government plan.

“You are going to have to be very generous if you want this to be politicall­y appealing to lots of people,” said Glied, who was a senior health care adviser in the Obama administra­tion.

Glied says components like benefits, co-payments and deductible­s would all be negotiable.

A second congressio­nal hearing on Medicare for All is scheduled Wednesday before the House Budget Committee. The plan is a punching bag for Republican­s trying to tag Democrats as “socialists.”

A report from the Congressio­nal Budget Office will be the focus of Wednesday’s House hearing. Another report, for the nonpartisa­n Commonweal­th Fund, was written by Glied. Among its findings: Other countries don’t necessaril­y take the same approach as Medicare for All, using a range of strategies to cover all their residents.

The report found that one group of countries — including Denmark, Britain and Germany — provide comprehens­ive benefits. That includes, for example, mental health. They charge low copays. Those countries are the closest to Medicare for All.

A larger group — including Australia, France, Netherland­s, Norway, Singapore, Sweden, Switzerlan­d and Taiwan — offer broad benefits but there may be gaps, and cost sharing is higher. Australia charges $60 for specialist visits. The Netherland­s has a $465 deductible. Dental coverage may be limited.

Canada has a narrow national benefits package. It doesn’t cover outpatient prescripti­ons, long-term care, mental health, vision and dental. But there’s no cost sharing for hospital and doctors’ services. Canadians rely on private insurance and provincial government­s to fill gaps.

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 ?? SUSAN WALSH/AP ?? Independen­t studies estimate the “Medicare for All” proposal would increase government spending.
SUSAN WALSH/AP Independen­t studies estimate the “Medicare for All” proposal would increase government spending.

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