Baltimore Sun

Relatives of victims mark 5th anniversar­y of MH17 downing

- By Mike Corder

VIJFHUIZEN, Netherland­s — With songs, speeches and solemn silence, relatives and friends on Wednesday commemorat­ed the 298 passengers and crew killed five years ago when a missile blew Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 out of the sky above wartorn eastern Ukraine.

Central to the memorial service at a Dutch monument to the MH17 disaster was the reading of the names of all those who died when a Buk missile shattered the Boeing 777, which was heading from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia, as it passed over eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014.

It took nearly 30 minutes for family and friends, some choking back tears, to read out the names and ages of the victims.

“Miss you sis,” said Monika Beaujean, as she read out the name of her twin sister, Gaby Lauschet from Sydney, Australia.

Beaujean travels each year from her home in Brisbane to be at the annual memorial services.

“She’s my twin sister, and when that happened I thought I’m losing a wing,” she said. “And for me it is so important to come back to try to fly with one wing, and I’m hoping that I can do that one day.”

The service, attended by more than 1,000 people, happened at a monument surrounded by trees, one planted for each victim, close to Schiphol Airport, where the passengers boarded the flight.

Nearly 200 of the victims were Dutch; the others came from a variety of countries, including Australia, Belgium, Britain, Canada and Malaysia.

In the five years since the plane was shot down, a Dutch crash investigat­ion ruled that a Buk surface-toair missile brought down the Boeing 777.

A separate criminal investigat­ion concluded that the missile system was trucked into Ukraine from Russia.

Last month, a Joint Investigat­ion Team made up of detectives from Australia, Belgium, Malaysia, the Netherland­s and Ukraine said it will prosecute four suspects, in their absence if necessary, at a trial set to start in March.

The suspects are three Russians with links to their country’s intelligen­ce services and a Ukrainian who led a separatist combat region in Ukraine’s Donetsk region.

They are charged with involvemen­t in the murder of all those who lost their lives. The team said even if the four may not have personally launched the Buk missile that downed the plane, they were implicated in the preparatio­ns of the launch, making it sufficient to charge them.

Russia has called the charges “absolutely unfounded” and accused investigat­ors of using “dubious” informatio­n and ignoring evidence provided by Moscow in order to discredit Russia.

In an emotional speech, Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte called the downing “a shameful deed that robbed 298 innocent people of their lives.”

And speaking about the desire of relatives to see justice done, Rutte said it requires patience and “trust that flagrant lies and deliberate disinforma­tion campaigns will never triumph over incontrove­rtible facts.”

Ukraine’s Security Service said Wednesday it has arrested the driver of the towing trailer that transporte­d the Buk across the border.

 ?? FRANK VAN BEEK/GETTY-AFP ?? Relatives of the victims attend the commemorat­ion in Vijfhuizen, the Netherland­s.
FRANK VAN BEEK/GETTY-AFP Relatives of the victims attend the commemorat­ion in Vijfhuizen, the Netherland­s.

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