Baltimore Sun

I hate Trump, but I’d hate a socialist Democrat more


When the Democrats lose the 2020 presidenti­al election to Donald Trump, they can refer to the letter from Howard Bluth (“Democrats will need to appeal to Trump fans,” July 9).

There’s a long list of candidates running around with an agenda of socialisti­c promises. Free college, free medicine and an undefined list of free benefits for all African Americans even those with no relations to slaves ever. In the latest polls, the progressiv­e candidates are gaining on Joe Biden’s lead and even his platform embraces some of those concepts.

What the Democrats need to understand is they need to find someone who can address Americans’ needs — but only if help is only given to those who actually need it and programs are financed by some other means than reversing tax cuts or soaking the rich. Otherwise, these are losing issues.

The current crop is mostly losing on the immigratio­n issue as well. We do not need to decriminal­ize coming here illegally. We do need to clearly define who can come here legally and who can’t. They must apply first and wait to be accepted.

By welcoming illegal immigrants with open arms, the Democratic Party is being pulled into a socialisti­c agenda. We must educate newcomers on the advantages of capitalism over socialism and not allow them to drag us into a losing form of government.

I hate President Donald Trump, the person, more than anyone does. However, if one of the current list of leaders is the best the Democrats have to offer, my vote will go to Mr. Trump.

Steven Davidson, New Windsor

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