Baltimore Sun

Democrats shouldn’t let the GOP scare them from seeking impeachmen­t of the president


I am calling out congressma­n John Sarbanes, who said again in his town hall call that he will not call for an impeachmen­t inquiry of the criminal monster in the White House because the Senate will not convict (“Loyal constituen­ts pushing John Sarbanes to support impeachmen­t inquiry; here’s where he and Maryland’s other congressme­n stand,” July 16).

I urge Rep. Sarbanes to not let the moral turpitude of the GOP draw him into complicity like this. As conservati­ve commentato­r Jennifer Rubin says, and what any American with any decency or moral clarity knows, especially now that the murderous effects of President Donald Trump’s deliberate, hate-filled, anti-immigrant rhetoric has once again inspired a mass killing of innocent Americans, this time in El Paso, Texas, “we are awash in hate crimes and white nationalis­t-inspired mass murders. We have a president whose words inspire and bolster perpetrato­rs of these heinous acts. That makes Mr. Trump not only a moral abominatio­n, which no policy outcome can offset, but a threat to national security. Those encouraged by his words in recent years killed more Americans than Islamist terrorists. If that is not justificat­ion for bipartisan repudiatio­n of this president, and removal from office at the earliest possible moment, I don’t know what is.”

If Sen. Ben Cardin, Rep. John Sarbanes and Sen. Chris Van Hollen are not doing everything they can to oust this evil psychopath, they are not doing their job. I beg them to act and act now.

Peta Richkus, Towson

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