Baltimore Sun

Lewandowsk­i frustrates Democrats

Witness stonewalls while Trump cheers him on via Twitter


WASHINGTON — The first impeachmen­t hearing held by House Democrats on Tuesday quickly turned hostile as their sole witness, former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i, stonewalle­d many of their questions and declared they were “focusing on petty and personal politics.”

Lewandowsk­i, a friend and supporter of President Donald Trump, was following White House orders not to discuss conversati­ons with the president beyond what was already public in former special counsel Robert Mueller’s report. Trump was cheering him along as he testified, tweeting that his opening statement was “beautiful.”

The hearing underscore­s what has been a central dilemma for the House Judiciary Committee all year as members investigat­e — and potentiall­y try to

impeach — Trump. Many of the Democrats’ base supporters want them to move quickly to try to remove Trump from office. But the White House has blocked their oversight requests at most every turn, declining to provide new documents or allow aides and associates to testify.

On Tuesday, Lewandowsk­i, who is considerin­g a run for Senate in New Hampshire, made clear he wouldn’t make life easy for the Democrats. He demanded that they provide him a copy of the Mueller report, sending Democratic staff scrambling to find one. He read directly from the report and asked Democrats to read passages to him, showing that he wouldn’t say much beyond what Mueller wrote. Republican­s on the panel forced a series of procedural votes, immediatel­y sending the hearing into disarray.

“He’s filibuster­ing,” said a frustrated House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler.

Lewandowsk­i eventually began to answer some questions, telling the panel he doesn’t think Trump “asked me to do anything illegal” — but still stuck mostly to what was in the report, giving Democrats little new informatio­n to go on. And he made clear his dislike for the House majority in the opening statement, calling them petty and asserting that investigat­ions of the president were conducted by “Trump haters.”

Lewandowsk­i was a central figure in Mueller’s report, which the committee is examining as part of its impeachmen­t probe. Mueller’s investigat­ors detailed two episodes in which Trump asked Lewandowsk­i to direct then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to limit Mueller’s investigat­ion. Trump said that if Sessions would not meet with Lewandowsk­i, then Lewandowsk­i should tell Sessions he was fired.

Lewandowsk­i never delivered the message but asked White House aide Rick Dearborn to do it. Dearborn said he was uncomforta­ble with the request and declined, according to the report.

Under questionin­g by Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., Lewandowsk­i confirmed as “accurate” that Trump had asked him to deliver the message. At least two Democrats asked if he “chickened out.” Lewandowsk­i said no, that he took his kids to the beach instead.

Democrats say the blockade from the White House and stonewalli­ng from witnesses like Lewandowsk­i give them more fodder for lawsuits against the administra­tion — and possible articles of impeachmen­t on obstructio­n.

“You are also proving our point for the American people to see,” Nadler said, noting that one of the articles of impeachmen­t drafted against former President Richard Nixon involved obstructio­n. He said Lewandowsk­i’s behavior is “completely unacceptab­le.”

Two other witnesses who were subpoenaed alongside Lewandowsk­i — Dearborn and former White House aide Rob Porter — did not show up at all, on orders from the White House. The White House says the former aides are “absolutely immune” from testifying — a principle that Democrats are challengin­g in court.

The committee’s impeachmen­t investigat­ion faces major hurdles, and it’s unclear whether the panel will ever draft articles of impeachmen­t or hold any impeachmen­t votes. The GOP-led Senate is certain to rebuff any House efforts to bring charges against Trump. And moderate Democrats have expressed nervousnes­s that the impeachmen­t push could crowd out their other accomplish­ments. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said the public sentiment isn’t yet there.

Still, the Judiciary panel is moving ahead, last week approving rules for what Nadler said will be an “aggressive series” of impeachmen­t hearings this fall. Among those guidelines is allowing staff to question witnesses, as is happening for the first time in the hearing with Lewandowsk­i.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY ?? Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i testifies Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee.
ALEX WONG/GETTY Former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowsk­i testifies Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee.

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