Baltimore Sun

Aussie PM’s fire response may torch political career

Crisis handling seen as similar to Bush’s in Hurricane Katrina

- By Rod McGuirk

CANBERRA, Australia — As his country burned, Australia’s prime minister was cursed and jeered out of a town, called an “idiot,” a “moron” and worse, and skewered at home and abroad for his dismissive response toward climate change.

Australia’s deadly wildfires have proven to be not just a crisis for the country, but a crisis for the country’s prime minister — one so grave that some have questioned whether his leadership can survive it.

The outpouring of frustratio­n and rage from many Australian­s toward Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s lethargic wildfire response has been likened to the furious reaction of Americans toward President George W. Bush over his clumsy response to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

But whether Morrison’s missteps put him at risk of being ousted from power in Australia’s notoriousl­y volatile government remains to be seen.

“I think it’s done lasting damage to his credibilit­y as a leader that is going to hound him into the future,” said Sydney University political scientist Stewart Jackson.

Morrison’s blunders began early in the disaster, which has killed at least 26 people and destroyed 2,000 homes. He came under withering criticism for secretly taking a family vacation to Hawaii last month as his hometown of Sydney was choking on smoke from distant incinerate­d eucalyptus forests.

His absence fueled criticism that his conservati­ve government was ignoring the effects of climate change at the end of a record hot and dry year in Australia. Weeks earlier, Australia was accused at a United Nations climate conference in Madrid of exploiting an accounting loophole to achieve its greenhouse gas reduction targets and of thwarting an internatio­nal agreement on carbon markets.

The Hawaii vacation also created the appearance of Morrison fleeing the smoke and flames that thousands of ordinary Australian­s who bravely volunteer as firefighte­rs were running toward. Those include highprofil­e Sydney fire truck driver Tony Abbott, a former prime minister whom Morrison as a power broker in their Liberal Party helped oust in 2015.

Protesters, outraged at Morrison’s absence during the crisis and his inaction on climate change, surrounded his home in Sydney. Memes mocking the prime minister flooded social media. A local retailer began selling Hawaiian shirts bearing Morrison’s face, with proceeds going toward firefighti­ng efforts.

Under siege, Morrison announced he was cutting short his vacation to lead the government after two volunteer firefighte­rs died protecting neighbors’ homes. But the damage was done.

Back from Hawaii, criticism of Morrison’s clumsy leadership continued.

He was seen on video offering to shake the hand of a reluctant woman in the all- but- destroyed New South Wales township of Cobargo. When she did not take his hand, he used his left hand to draw her right hand forward and shook it with his right, leaving many

Australian­s with the impression that all he cared about was a photo opportunit­y.

“You won’t be getting any votes down here!” one local later shouted at him.

Morrison brushed off abuse by locals who complained of a lack of government support, arguing the insults were not meant as personal attacks.

“I don’t take it personally,” Morrison later said. “I just see it as a sense of frustratio­n and hurt and loss and anger that is out there about what is the ferocity of these natural disasters.”

Critics argue he should take some of the feedback to heart.

His Liberal Party subsequent­ly reacted to complaints of inaction by releasing a 50-second ad on social media that highlighte­d government contributi­ons of firefighti­ng assets and funding while showing Morrison inspecting fire-ravaged communitie­s. But the ad was initially linked to the party website that prominentl­y invited political donations. The link was removed after public outrage that the party would financiall­y exploit the disaster.

Criticism of Morrison is not limited to Australia.

“Pity the poor #Australian­s, their country ablaze, and t heir rotten @ScottMorri­sonMP saying, “This is not the time to talk about Climate Change. We have to grow our economy.” What an idiot,” entertaine­r Bette Midler tweeted. “What good is an economy in an uninhabita­ble country?”

The potential political ramificati­ons for Morrison are severe.

None of his four immediate predecesso­rs, including Abbott, managed to serve a full term, being either elected out of office or replaced by their own parties in response to poor opinion polling.

 ?? JAMES ROSS/AP ?? Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison tours a farm last week in Sarsfield, Australia, destroyed by wildfires that have killed dozens of people across the country.
JAMES ROSS/AP Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison tours a farm last week in Sarsfield, Australia, destroyed by wildfires that have killed dozens of people across the country.

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