Baltimore Sun

Iran sends mixed signals to United States

- By Amir Vahdat and Joseph Krauss

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warns of a “very dangerous response” if the U.S. makes “another mistake,” and a senior commander vows “harsher revenge” for the killing of a top Iranian general.

TEHRAN, Iran — Iran sent mixed signals Thursday as tensions with the U.S. appeared to ease, with President Hassan Rouhani warning of a “very dangerous response” if the U.S. makes “another mistake” and a senior commander vowing “harsher revenge” for the killing of a top Iranian general.

Both sides appeared to step back Wednesday after Iran launched a series of ballistic missiles at two military bases housing American troops in Iraq without causing any casualties. Iran said the attack was retaliatio­n for the U.S. strike that killed Gen. Qassem Soleimani, the architect of its regional security strategy, in Iraq earlier this week.

Rouhani said the missile attack was a legitimate act of self-defense under the U.N. Charter, but he warned that “if the U.S. makes another mistake, it will receive a very dangerous response.”

In addition to launching the missile attack, Iran also abandoned its remaining commitment­s under the 2015 nuclear deal, which President Donald Trump had walked away from in May 2018.

But Rouhani said Thursday that Iran would continue to cooperate with U.N. inspectors.

Senior Iranian military commanders struck a more defiant tone.

Abdollah Araghi, a member of Iran’s Joint Chiefs of Staff, said the Revolution­ary

Guard “will impose a harsher revenge on the enemy in the near future,” according to the semioffici­al Tasnim news agency.

Tasnim also quoted Gen. Ali Fadavi, the acting commander of the Guard, as saying the missile attack was “just one of the manifestat­ions of our abilities.”

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who leads the country’s aerospace program, said that while Iran only fired 13 missiles at the two bases, “we were prepared to launch hundreds.”

He said Iran had simultaneo­usly carried out a cyberattac­k against U.S. monitoring systems.

He also repeated unsubstant­iated claims that dozens of Americans were killed or wounded in the strikes.

But he said the goal of the operation was not to kill anyone, but to “strike the enemy’s military machine.”

On Wednesday, Trump signaled that he would not retaliate militarily for the strike on the bases.

The strike that killed Soleimani also killed a high-ranking commander of the Iran-backed militias in Iraq known as the Popular Mobilizati­on Forces, which had also vowed to take revenge.

But Vice President Mike Pence said the militias also appeared to be standing down.

“We are hearing some intelligen­ce to suggest that Iran is sending a message to the militias not to move forward,” he told Fox News, without elaboratin­g.

Without offering any evidence, Trump asserted Thursday that Soleimani was plotting to blow up a U.S. Embassy before he was killed.

“We did it because they were looking to blow up our embassy,” Trump said in remarks to reporters during an unrelated event at the White House.

It was unclear whether Trump might have been disclosing new details about what the administra­tion has called an “imminent” Iranian plot against American interests in the region or whether he was referring to the pro-Iranian protesters who stormed the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad last week.

Rouhani, meanwhile, spoke by phone

Thursday with Prime Minister Boris Johnson, urging Britain to denounce the killing of Soleimani.

As head of Iran’s elite Quds force, Soleimani had mobilized powerful militias across the region and was blamed for deadly attacks against Americans going back to the 2003 U.S.-led invasion of Iraq.

Without Soleimani’s efforts leading forces in Syria and Iraq against IS, “you would not have peace and security in London today,” Rouhani was quoted as saying by Vice President Alireza Moezi, who tweeted about the call with Johnson.

Downing Street confirmed the call, saying Johnson called for “an end to hostilitie­s.” It said the U.K. stands by the nuclear deal and is urging Iran to return to full compliance.

Pence said the United States would call on its European allies to abandon the “disastrous” nuclear deal and demand greater concession­s from Iran.

Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the European Union, the other signatorie­s to the agreement, have continued to adhere to it, viewing it as the best hope of preventing Iran from developing the ability to quickly build a nuclear weapon.

The Europeans have sought ways to continue trading with Iran but have been largely unable to circumvent the crippling sanctions imposed by Trump.

The sanctions have devastated Iran’s economy and have been a key factor in the monthslong escalation.

The New York Times contribute­d.

 ?? VAHID SALEMI/AP ?? Women walk past a banner Thursday in Tehran of Iranian Revolution­ary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in Iraq by a U.S. drone attack Jan. 3.
VAHID SALEMI/AP Women walk past a banner Thursday in Tehran of Iranian Revolution­ary Guard Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was killed in Iraq by a U.S. drone attack Jan. 3.

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