Baltimore Sun

In prosecutio­n, a politician sees perk

Italy’s Salvini bets that a trial would boost his comeback

- By Jason Horowitz

ROME — Matteo Salvini can hardly believe his good fortune. He’s facing prosecutio­n.

In another country, that might spell trouble for a politician like Salvini, Italy’s nationalis­t leader. But Salvini is being pursued for turning away rescued migrants when he was interior minister, by southern prosecutor­s who have called it an abuse of power and an act of abduction.

As the effort to criminally pursue Salvini comes to a critical juncture, just weeks after a defeat in an important regional election thwarted his attempted return to power, he has seized upon it as a political life raft.

“Immigratio­n is surely not a theme that scares me,” said Salvini in an interview in his Senate office, surrounded by the law enforcemen­t shirts he often dressed up in, dozens of cross necklaces dangling in a row like Mardi Gras beads and assorted gifts that he receives on the campaign trail.

It’s not hard to see why. The potential prosecutio­n has unwittingl­y revived migration as an issue despite only a trickle of arrivals to Italy.

And it has rearmed Salvini, an expert in political victimizat­ion, with a powerful issue to rally his base.

“I see the similariti­es of a left that tries to win through legal means that which it can’t win through democratic means,” Salvini said in the interview, on the day of President Donald Trump’s acquittal in a Senate trial.

He added that prosecutio­ns “against Trump will end in nothing, and they will end in nothing for me.”

Rather than run from the case, Salvini can hardly stop talking about it, in his daily Facebook Live soliloquie­s, campaign trail appearance­s and interviews. He spoke with amazement about a schedule of votes this month and the next to determine whether or not he could be prosecuted for the signature issue that fueled his rise to become the most popular politician in Italy.

“Here,” he said, “every month there is a request to prosecute on immigratio­n that they send forward.”

They, as Salvini sees it, are ideologica­lly motivated magistrate­s spurred on by liberal enemies determined to stop his rise in Italian politics.

Salvini’s critics see a more straightfo­rward case of his breaking the law, not to mention disregardi­ng the dire human suffering of those on board the ships he left floating at sea and of a judicial system doing its job to hold him accountabl­e. They are doubtful that Salvini will actually vote for the case to go ahead in another legislativ­e step Wednesday. His office says it is still evaluating what to do.

Either way, Salvini, despite his complaint about having to eat breakfast with his lawyer rather than his girlfriend, is now relishing the opportunit­y.

In the politics of persecutio­n, Salvini has few peers, having picked up where Silvio Berlusconi left off. The media magnate and former conservati­ve prime minister spent decades excoriatin­g Italy’s prosecutor­s as the country’s Communist opposition — to great political fortune.

Salvini has replaced Berlusconi as the de facto leader of the Italian right, though he has sat on the sidelines since his coalition government collapsed last summer.

But even Salvini’s political opponents have sensed the danger of turning him into a martyr on the migration issue. They have wavered on whether to let the prosecutio­ns proceed, suggested they be delayed until after regional elections and ultimately abstained in critical votes.

There has, however, been one surprise advocate for allowing the prosecutio­ns to go forward: Salvini himself.

“They will put on trial the entire Italian people,” he took to saying on the campaign trail, often to sustained applause.

Salvini and his nationalis­t allies understand how much the issue of migration still resonates with European voters. This month, Viktor Orban, prime minister of Hungary, appeared at a conference of internatio­nal conservati­ves in a Rome hotel and said the importance of the 2015 migration crisis was that it had lifted the taboo of speaking about identity and national borders.

Since Salvini’s failed bid to trigger early elections by pulling the plug on his coalition with the 5-Star Movement last year, staying at the center of things has become more of a challenge.

That problem has intensifie­d since his candidate’s loss in the regional elections in January in Emilia Romagna, a traditiona­l left-wing stronghold where Salvini spent weeks campaignin­g to demonstrat­e his dominance of Italian politics and his appeal in formerly enemy territory. He lost badly.

In an effort to find his footing, he has focused on more regional elections this year to apply pressure on Italy’s fragile government, an awkward alliance of his former, and cratering, 5Star partners and the center-left Democratic Party.

But the man who just weeks ago was in such a hurry to collapse the government now seemed resigned to the fact that he had to play a long game. The next elections are not scheduled until 2023.

When discussing his potential comeback, Salvini exclaimed, “There’s no rush!”

In the meantime, Italian political analysts have argued that Salvini needed to move more toward the center to expand his support beyond 33%. There were some indication­s that Salvini wanted to shed his hard-right image.

In the interview, Salvini said that it was “probably a reductive vision” to lump him in with other nationalis­ts like Orban and Marine Le Pen in France based solely on their shared opposition to migration.

His League party, formerly the Northern League, he pointed out, ran many of Italy’s regions, including one of its richest and most successful, Lombardy.

It had also, he failed to note, once advocated breaking Lombardy and the rest of the north away from Italy in a fictional nation called Padania. But now, Salvini said, the League was a truly national party, and it had become clear that “Lombardy alone goes nowhere.”

Even so, Salvini argued that he was in no way distancing himself from the hard-right nationalis­t milieu in which he emerged as a global leader. Despite failing to appear at the conservati­ve conference, he met privately with Orban and “brainstorm­ed about scenarios of future collaborat­ion.”

His hard line on immigratio­n — prosecutio­n or not — was a winning one and one from which he wouldn’t budge.

“I don’t move,” he said, as he sat at his desk, waiting for the bell signaling the next Senate vote to ring.

 ?? GIOVANNI CIPRIANO/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Matteo Salvini, center, campaigns in Italy last month while facing a potential trial for turning away rescued migrants.
GIOVANNI CIPRIANO/THE NEW YORK TIMES Matteo Salvini, center, campaigns in Italy last month while facing a potential trial for turning away rescued migrants.

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