Baltimore Sun

They still trust Trump — even as people die

- Leonard Pitts Jr.

“We have it totally under control. It’s going to be just fine.”

— Donald Trump, Jan. 22, 2020

— Donald Trump, Feb. 27, 2020

— Donald March 6, 2020


— Donald Trump, March 13, 2020

And yet, many of us still believe.

Meaning the ones who whine how the “fake news” is being mean to Mr. Trump when they call him to account for bungling the coronaviru­s pandemic. Meaning the ones who think the real illness is “Trump Derangemen­t Syndrome”: an inability to appreciate the genius of a man who is, as presidents go, “the best one we’ve had.” Quoth Joanne, a reader from Ohio.

As has often been argued in this space, reasoning with believers of Mr. Trump is a waste of time. They lack the willingnes­s and the capacity. But one still can’t help marveling at their ability, at this late date and with their lives on the line, to continue to deny the evidence of their senses.

Yes, we all deny reality sometimes; all of us are loath to change our minds even when the facts dictate that we should. That’s a human trait, not an ideologica­l one.

But you always think there will come a moment of reckoning, a moment when even the most truth-phobic and logic-allergic will have to face reality. Where Mr. Trump is concerned, however, it turns out — apologies to “Porgy and Bess” — it ain’t necessaril­y so. Consider that at this writing, there are 122,653 coronaviru­s cases in the United States, hospitals in New York City are bracing to be overrun, newly unemployed people are wondering how they will pay their rent, the man who blundered us into this, until Sunday wanted the country to re-open by Easter — not because the science says so, but because that would be “a beautiful time” and yet…and yet…Joanne from Ohio thinks he’s “the best one we’ve had.”

Not Lincoln, mind you. Not Washington, Jefferson, Reagan or either one of the Roosevelts. No, Mr. Trump.Nor is Joanne the only one. Mr. Trump’s approval rating stands at 44.7%, according to the authoritat­ive FiveThirty­Eight blog — historical­ly low, to be sure, but also astonishin­gly high, given the circumstan­ces. And you want to ask them all, as Joseph Welch asked Joe McCarthy in 1954, “Have you no sense of decency? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”

But that would be a waste of time. We know the answer already. They surrendere­d any claim to decency in their unwavering support of a man who daily debases us as a people, as a force for good. The issue is not his policies, odious as many of us consider them. After all, some people found George W. Bush’s and Barack Obama’s policies odious, too, yet they were able to attend the Kennedy Center Honors without controvers­y and athletes did not refuse to shake their hands. Mr. Trump daily debases us not because of what he legislates, but because of what he is: a mixture of bluster, egocentris­m, ignorance, ineptitude and plain nastiness that now has led us smack into catastroph­e.

Yet the people who still believe are sanguine. In Mr. Trump they trust.

Well, the rest of us better batten down the hatches and count the days till November. Because you cannot keep denying the truth, pledging allegiance to the lie, without incurring a price. If you don’t impose consequenc­es — and we haven’t — then you’d better believe consequenc­es will impose themselves. And sadly, they won’t discrimina­te between those who believed and those who did not. That’s the moral of this moment.

Karma is here and she’s in a foul mood.

“One day — it’s like a miracle — it will disappear.”

“Anybody that wants a test can get a test.”

“No, I don’t take responsibi­lity at all.”

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