Baltimore Sun

Concerns mount over GOP holding convention in Florida

- By Zeke Miller

WASHINGTON — After months of insisting that the Republican National Convention go off as scheduled despite the pandemic, President Donald Trump is slowly coming to accept that the late August event will not be the four-night infomercia­l for his reelection that he had anticipate­d.

After a venue change, spiking coronaviru­s cases and a sharp recession, Trump aides and allies are questionin­g whether it’s worth the trouble, and some are advocating that the convention be scrapped. Convention­s are meant to lay out a candidate’s vision for the coming four years, not spark months of intrigue over the health and safety of attendees, they have argued.

Ultimately, the decision on whether to move forward will be Trump’s alone.

Already the event has seen a venue change to more Trump-friendly territory in Jacksonvil­le, Florida — a state where the virus is raging — from Charlotte, North Carolina, and it has been reduced in scope.

For technical reasons, the convention will be unable to formally adopt a new party platform. And what is normally a highlight of the convention — the roll call of the states to renominate the president — is set to be conducted through proxy votes in the original host city.

Still, Trump and his aides had pinned their hopes on creating the pageantry of a formal acceptance speech in Jacksonvil­le, envisionin­g an arena of packed with supporters, without face masks. The White House and the RNC have said they’re full-steam ahead with the revised plan.

“We’re still moving forward with Jacksonvil­le,” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany said last week. “It’ll be a safe event.”

But concerns are mounting, and plans are being drawn to scale back the event or shift it to entirely virtual. Officials who weeks ago had looked for the convention to be a celebratio­n of the nation’s vanquishin­g of the virus now see it as a potent symbol of the pandemic’s persistenc­e.

“There’s a lot of people that want to do it. They want to be enthusiast­ic. But we can do that and we can do it safely,” Donald Trump Jr. said. He told Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures” that “it’s going to be an awesome event.”

Jacksonvil­le, whose mayor is a former Florida Republican Party chairman, issued a public mask order two weeks ago as virus cases in the area surged. That mandate is unlikely to be lifted before the convention.

Also, Florida has limited facilities statewide to operating at 50% of capacity.

Organizers now plan to provide COVID-19 testing to all attendees daily, conduct frequent temperatur­e checks and offer face coverings. Even so, Trump aides and allies fear that the entire spectacle will be overshadow­ed by attendee concerns and already heightened media scrutiny on the potential for the convention to be a “super-spreading” event.

Key decisions about the event, including precisely where or if Trump will appear, need to be made in the coming days to allow sufficient time for the build-out of the space.

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