Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“Here’s another word for you to define,” I told my friend the English professor, a man of considerab­le erudition: “‘research.’”

“If at first you don’t find what you’re looking for,” the prof responded, “search and search again. That’s why it’s known as ‘re-search.’”

At today’s six spades, South won West’s trump opening lead, drew trumps and tried the top diamonds, hoping for a 3-3 break. When instead West discarded, declarer ruffed dummy’s last diamond and led the ten of clubs. West played low, and South pondered — and put up dummy’s king. Down he went, losing two clubs.


South didn’t do enough searching. He can start by cashing the A-K of hearts and ruffing a heart. As it happens, the fall of East’s queen gives him a 12th trick.

If both defenders played low hearts, South would search in diamonds. When that suit failed to break evenly, South would return to his hand with a ruff and try his last chance: He would lead a club and hope to make a winning guess.


You hold: ♠ Q4 ♥ KJ63

♦ AK74 ♣ K J 6. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. You double, your partner bids two hearts and the opening bidder passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: This situation is dangerous. Partner has promised neither strength nor decent hearts. Your “17-point hand” includes a queen of spades that may be worthless, and you have several losers. Pass. A raise to three hearts would be too encouragin­g. Partner has yet to make two.

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