Baltimore Sun

Sun’s Biden endorsemen­t correctly mentions empathy


In its Sept. 27 endorsemen­t of Joe Biden, The Baltimore Sun noted his “deep well of empathy” (“Biden for president — please,” Sept. 24). Part of that “deep well” must include his statement in his 2007 book, “Promises to Keep,” that he believes in “a forgiving, tolerant God that knows people make mistakes.” His understand­ing that we are a nation of second chances, giving people the opportunit­y to lift themselves up from their mistakes and make a contributi­on to their community, state or nation is fundamenta­l to who we are as Americans.

A Biden election and loss of the U.S. Senate to the Democrats should be a fire bell in the night for Republican­s to return to their more pragmatic, inclusive roots.

John R. Leopold, Pasadena

The writer, a Republican, served as Anne Arundel County executive from 2006 to 2013.

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