Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Foresight is fine. Hindsight is better than nothing. What distinguis­hes an expert declarer is insight.

Against today’s four spades, West led the king of trumps and then the ace and a third trump. East threw a diamond and a club.

Declarer won and led a diamond to dummy’s king, and East took the ace and returned a diamond. South won and cashed his ace of clubs. He then took the A-K of hearts and led a third heart from dummy. When East followed low, South pondered ... and put up his queen. West’s jack fell; making four.

“I made the percentage play in hearts,” South said.


Playing the percentage­s is fine, but there was a stronger indication. Suppose West had a hand such as

A K 5, 8 4, J 9 4 3, J 9 8 4. With two trump entries, an attractive line of defense would have been to lead a heart, trying for a third-round ruff.

If West did hold that hand, he could beat four spades unless declarer was quite careful. So declarer was indeed correct to play to drop the jack of hearts.


You hold: AK5 J84

♦ 10 8 4 3 J 8 6. Your partner opens one heart, you raise to two hearts and he bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s three diamonds asks you to bid game with a maximum raise or with a fair raise that has help for his second suit. You have a maximum and could jump to four hearts. Since 3NT might be a better game, bid three spades and give partner that option. He might hold 7 6, A K Q 7 6, Q 9 6 5, A Q.

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