Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

A club player brought me today’s deal from a duplicate game. He told me his wife hadn’t liked his defense, and he hadn’t been thrilled about hers.

“North-South climbed up to 3NT,” he said, “and my wife led the deuce of spades. Declarer won with the queen and led the six of clubs: four, deuce, queen. I returned a spade, and South took his ace and led another club: jack, king, ace. We cashed two spades, but South won my wife’s heart shift with the ace and claimed nine tricks.”


“I thought my wife’s opening lead was questionab­le,” my friend went on. “She gave declarer a free finesse.”

“And she complained about your spade return at Trick Three?” I asked.

“She denies that she complains. She calls it ‘motivation­al speaking.’”

At the third trick, East must lead the king of hearts. Declarer must duck that. If he takes the ace, dummy’s entry to the clubs is gone, and he can take only eight tricks in all. Then East shifts back to spades to assure five tricks for the defense.


You hold: ♠ 74 ♥ A84 ♦ 976

♣ K 10 9 3 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond 1NT and he bids two hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: This is a basic situation. Your partner has “reversed” the normal order of showing two long suits — higher-ranking first — and so promises substantia­l extra strength. He also suggests greater length in his first suit. For the moment, bid three diamonds. Partner will bid again.

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