Baltimore Sun

Hogan warns of difficult path of ‘many months’

He cites ongoing challenge of vaccine distributi­on

- By Pamela Wood and Bryn Stole

Gov. Larry Hogan urged all Marylander­s Wednesday to get the coronaviru­s vaccine “when one becomes available to you,” but cautioned that it is going to be a long and difficult journey to get everyone vaccinated.

Delivering his annual State of the State speech via livestream, Hogan said Maryland residents must be patient.

Hogan called vaccines “the best hope for bringing this pandemic to an end.”

“Getting a vaccine to everyone who wants one will be a much longer and much more difficult process than any of us would like it to be,” the Republican

governor said.

The state’s rollout of the coronaviru­s vaccine has been slow and confusing, as there are multiple avenues for seeking the shots, including hospitals, local health department­s, a limited number of pharmacies and, soon, state-run mass vaccinatio­n clinics. More than 2 million Marylander­s are eligible to be vaccinated under the state’s phased approach, but there are not nearly enough appointmen­ts for them.

Hogan has been criticized for opening up eligibilit­y further without having sufficient doses. State senators are so concerned that they’ve delayed scheduling a vote to confirm Hogan’s nominee for health secretary, requiring the appointee to give weekly updates while he remains an acting agency head.

“It is going to require a great deal of patience for many months, while states continue to push the federal government and the manufactur­ers to increase the production and to drasticall­y increase the allocation­s they provide to the states,” Hogan said.

He added: “The crisis will not end overnight, but together we will bring it to an end. We will get our kids back to school, get people back to work, and get life back to normal again.”

Hogan asked viewers to join him in a moment of silent prayer for the 7,043 Marylander­s who have died from the coronaviru­s, as well as the more than 450,000 Americans and more than 2.2 million people worldwide who have died.

He spent part of the 20-minute speech touting what he says are the state government’s successes during the pandemic, including adding hospital beds, securing protective equipment such as masks and gloves, conducting more than 7.1 million coronaviru­s tests and administer­ing 570,000 shots of the vaccine.

State auditors are reviewing some of the state’s purchases, including a problemati­c deal for masks and ventilator­s and the acquisitio­n of 500,000 tests from a South Korean company for which the state had to buy replacemen­ts.

Hogan recalled how during his last State of the State speech, the coronaviru­s was just emerging as a concern. Shortly afterward, during a meeting of the National Governors Associatio­n, Hogan arranged for a briefing for the governors with top federal health experts. “Every single day since that day, we have had to take unpreceden­ted actions that were unthinkabl­e just a year ago,” he said.

In announcing his plans Monday to give the speech Wednesday evening and without an audience, Hogan cited the pandemic. Traditiona­lly, the governor speaks at midday before a joint session of the General Assembly in a packed House of Delegates chamber.

The Maryland constituti­on requires only that a governor “shall, from time to time, inform the Legislatur­e of the condition of the State and recommend to their considerat­ion such measures as he may judge necessary and expedient.”

Hogan is in his second, four-year term, and this was his seventh State of the State address. Term limits mean he cannot seek reelection in 2022. Hogan has said he’s open to considerin­g a run for president in 2024.

Hogan also used his speech to urge the legislatur­e again to pass his proposed RELIEF Act, a coronaviru­s recovery package. The state Senate has fast-tracked a version of the legislatio­n, after adding $520 million in aid to Hogan’s $1 billion proposal. The measure includes direct payments to some low-income Marylander­s, as well as tax breaks for businesses and those receiving unemployme­nt and a variety of grants and other assistance.

And Hogan renewed his calls for public school systems to resume in-person classes in the coming weeks. The governor has said schools should reopen no later than March 1 and threatened to pursue legal action against districts that don’t meet that deadline.

Hogan contends that keeping lessons entirely online is hurting children and that the risk of COVID-19 spreading in schools is relatively low. Teachers unions have blasted the governor for those remarks, accusing him of bullying districts and ignoring safety concerns.

“It is critical that we give our students the chance to get safely back into the classrooms. During this entire crisis, we have always followed the science, and the science is clear,” Hogan said. “It’s time to get our students back into the classrooms where they belong.”

To make his point, Hogan singled out Tina Baker, a special education teacher in Carroll County, “who has had the courage to provide in-person instructio­n since September so that her students won’t fall behind.”

Hogan also had praise for health care workers, essential workers and National Guard troops who have played a role in keeping Marylander­s safe and keeping the economy functionin­g during the pandemic.

Senate President Bill Ferguson said he noticed Hogan didn’t talk about how the pandemic has hit some Marylander­s worse than others, including the rates of infections and deaths among people of color that are disproport­ionate to their population.

“It’s hard to fix a problem if you don’t name it,” said Ferguson, a Baltimore Democrat, in an interview. “I was surprised that the governor omitted discussion of the disparate impact of the pandemic on health, on job losses, on educationa­l outcomes. I hope it was an oversight.”

Sen. Melony Griffith, a Prince George’s County Democrat and president pro tem of the Senate, said she also was struck by the lack of any mention of racial inequities or disparitie­s in the governor’s address.

“It is my hope that he will join us in our efforts to address issues around wealth equity and health disparitie­s, to join the legislatur­e in holding these among the top priorities,” Griffith said. “For him to at least mention the reckoning opens the door for those conversati­ons.”

In a brief Democratic video response to the governor’s speech, Del. Eric Luedtke of Montgomery County said his party and Hogan are in agreement that providing relief for financiall­y struggling residents and businesses is important.

“Working with Gov. Hogan, the legislatur­e will provide immediate relief for Maryland families and small businesses impacted by the pandemic,” he said.

But Luedtke said Hogan’s administra­tion is failing Marylander­s in multiple ways: with a “bungled” vaccine rollout, with an unemployme­nt system that left tens of thousands of people struggling to receive payments, and by “demonizing” educators instead of working with them to safely reopen schools.

Luedtke, the House majority leader, said lawmakers plan to pass bills addressing those problems, as well as to provide more protection­s to essential workers, reform policing policies and advance racial justice.

“Democrats will work relentless­ly to move Maryland forward, to make sure that the state of our state grows stronger not just over the next year, but for many years to come,” Luedtke said.

In a post-speech interview with Maryland Public Television’s Jeff Salkin and Charles Robinson, Luedtke offered further criticism of Hogan’s “absolutely abysmal” handling of the vaccine rollout.

“The public is deeply confused about how to get access to the vaccine,” he said.

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