Baltimore Sun

ASK AMY Neighbor was insurrecti­onist at the Capitol

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter @askingamy — Pat Nichols Copyright 2021 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: I saw my next-door neighbor in the footage of the rioters at the Capitol on Jan. 6.

After the election in November, this neighbor moved out of his house and back in with his mother, and got involved in all the “stop the steal” efforts that culminated in him traveling to Washington, D.C., and storming the Capitol.

After I showed the footage of him to his (Biden-voting) wife, she told me she’d been texting with him during the day, telling him to stay away, and telling him that it was a federal crime to go inside, etc., but that he’d gone inside, anyway.

Later I heard that he was so excited about seeing himself on this video footage that he’s planning to get it made into a photo and have it framed.

He’s been my next-door neighbor for nine years. When his tree blew down, I grabbed my chainsaw and helped cut it up. When my fence blew down, he came over and helped. He’s jumped my car battery. I’ve cut his grass when they’re out of town.

I don’t know if I should report him or not. On the one hand, if those people aren’t punished, they might be emboldened to do something else. I also don’t believe the penalty (if any) will be significan­t.

— Concerned in the South

As of this writing, over 200 people have been arrested for participat­ing in what Republican (former) Majority Leader Mitch McConnell called “an armed and failed insurrecti­on attempt” in the U.S. Capitol building by a

Dear Concerned:

“mob ... which was fed lies, provoked by the president Donald Trump and other powerful people.”

The FBI has explicitly asked for the public’s help in identifyin­g participan­ts (send online tips to tips.fbi. gov) or call 1-800-CALLFBI (1-800-225-5324).

USA Today is publishing an updated list of those arrested, including details of their alleged crimes and how they were caught. Some have turned themselves in, but the Bureau has also reportedly received over 140,000 tips leading to arrests — the majority coming from family members, friends, neighbors and people who went to high school with the rioters and recognize them from footage taken inside the Capitol.

So yes, report your neighbor, unless you have reason to believe that doing so would place you in danger.

Being a helpful neighbor to you does not preclude this person from also being a danger to the public — and the Republic.

I feel like I have an unhealthy fear of death. I think about it at least once a day, and always worry about my husband and baby dying, too.

How do I stop this?

I am really tired of thinking this way, but don’t know how to stop.

Do you have any advice? — Deathly Afraid

Dear Amy:

Dear Afraid: We are in the midst of a global pandemic. Over 400,000 Americans have died of COVID-19. Many of us are unable to have many of the quotidian daily experience­s that serve as important distractio­ns from this simple fact: Every living thing dies.

This fear actually connects you with others.

Having a husband and a new baby has upped the ante for you. Your protective instincts have kicked in. Loving other living things reminds you of how precarious life is.

Address your thoughts directly. Make “friends” with your fear. Name it “Stan.”

When thoughts arise, say to yourself, “Not today, Stan. I’ve got things to do.”

Immediatel­y distract yourself. I suggest smelling the top of your baby’s head. This scent is a tonic, guaranteed to chase away all bad things.

“Dog Worshipper” wanted your help in talking his parents into getting a dog.

I am a volunteer with Above and Beyond English Setter Rescue. After I read your answer to this boy, I thought about suggesting that they sign up to foster.

Local shelters and mixed/all-breed rescues are always in need of foster homes. The rescue/shelter pays for vetting fees such as spay/neuter, heartworm treatment and vaccines.

Fostering can be hard, but it can also be very rewarding, and it makes room for another dog at a shelter.

Dear Amy:

Dear Pat: Fostering is a fantastic suggestion. Thank you!

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