Baltimore Sun

Hal Holbrook, award-winning actor

- By Mark Kennedy

NEW YORK — Hal Holbrook, 95, the award-winning character actor who toured the world for more than 50 years as Mark Twain in a one-man show and uttered the immortal advice “Follow the money” in the classic political thriller “All the President’s Men,” has died.

Holbrook died Jan. 23 in Beverly Hills, California, his representa­tive, Steve Rohr, said Tuesday.

Actors across the spectrum mourned Holbrook’s passing, including Bradley Whitford, who called him an “incredible actor,” and Viola Davis, who wrote “RIP to the always wonderful Hal Holbrook.”

Holbrook pursued a busy career in theater, television and movies, winning five Emmys and a Tony. His more than two dozen film credits ranged from Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” to Oliver Stone’s “Wall Street.” He was a steady presence on TV as well, having appeared on such shows as “The West Wing,” “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Bones.”

But his most famous movie role was as a key source for Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward (played by Robert Redford) in the 1976 adaptation of “All the President’s Men,” the bestsellin­g account by Woodward and fellow Post reporter Carl Bernstein about their investigat­ion of Richard Nixon’s administra­tion and the Watergate scandal that led to his resignatio­n.

Holbrook played the mysterious informant “Deep Throat” (later revealed to be FBI official Mark Felt) who provided key informatio­n to Woodward. The most famous tip, uttered from the shadows of a parking garage — “Follow the money” — became an instant catchphras­e but was never said in real life. The line was invented by screenwrit­er William Goldman.

“Follow the money” may have been his most famous film words, but Twain was his defining role. The associatio­n began in 1954 when an instructor at Ohio’s Denison University gave Holbrook the role as part of a thesis assignment.

Holbrook, raised in Cleveland, was 29 when he first performed as Twain (who was portrayed as 70) and eventually developed the role into a two-act, one-man show called “Mark Twain Tonight!,” taking it to schools, nightclubs and theaters. He took it to Broadway three times — 1966, 1977 and 2005 — and won a Tony Award as best dramatic actor for the 1966 version.

Holbrook would tour as Twain — with the writer’s familiar white suit and white hair — whenever he wasn’t busy with other acting jobs. He would update the show to fit the times and performed the role by his account some 2,200 times. He hung up the white suit in 2017.

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