Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“Behind every upset woman,” Cy the Cynic grumbled to me in the club lounge, “stands a man who has absolutely no idea what he did wrong.”

“So you and Wendy are still having trouble on defense,” I sighed.

Wendy, our feminist, and Cy, a shameless chauvinist, are adversarie­s even when they cut as partners in our penny game. In today’s deal, Wendy was West and led the three of clubs against 3NT. Cy took the ace and hastened to return the four. Wendy took her king, sighed and led a third club.


“Declarer had nine tricks,” Cy told me, “and Wendy announced that I had not only fallen out of a stupid tree, I’d been dragged through the whole forest.”

The Cynic didn’t know what he’d done wrong, but it was clear enough. Wendy’s three-of-clubs lead marked South with four cards in the suit, so South had at least four diamonds. South had also raised hearts, then bid 3NT, so his pattern was surely 2-3-4-4. At Trick Two, Cy must shift to a low spade. Then correct defense beats 3NT.


You hold: ♠ A6 ♥ A54

♦ AQ103 ♣ 10 9 7 6. The dealer, at your left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: Since partner promises opening values or more with support for the unbid suits (or maybe a strong hand with his own long suit), you certainly have a game. Cue-bid two clubs to show strength. You will have room to find your best game, which may be 3NT if partner has a club honor.

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