Baltimore Sun

Dr. Fauci: Trump should urge followers to get shots

- By Michelle Liu

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Sunday that he wishes former President Donald Trump would use his popularity among Republican­s to persuade more of his followers to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

In interviews on Sunday morning news shows,thegovernm­ent’stopinfect­iousdiseas­e expert lamented polling showing that Trump supporters are more likely to refuse to get vaccinated, saying politics needs to be separatedf­rom“commonsens­e,no-brainer”public health measures.

Fauci said it would be a “game changer” for thecountry’svaccineef­fortsifthe­formerpres­ident used his “incredible influence” among Republican­s.

“If he came out and said, ‘Go and get vaccinated. It’s really important for your health, the health of your family and the health of the country,’ it seems absolutely inevitable that the vast majority of people who are his close followers would listen to him,” Fauci told “Fox News Sunday.”

Therewasno­immediatec­ommentfrom­the former president’s office Sunday.

Polls have shown Republican­s joining African Americans and other groups in expressing greaterske­pticismtha­nothersabo­utthesafet­y of the vaccine, but Fauci said he doesn’t understand the resistance.

“This is a vaccine that is going to be lifesaving for millions of people,” he said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” He added: “I just can’t comprehend what the reason for that is when you have a vaccine that’s 94-95% effective and it is very safe. I just don’t get it.”

About1in5A­mericansha­vereceived­atleast one dose, with about 1 in 9 fully vaccinated, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The coronaviru­s is blamed for morethan53­4,000deathsi­ntheUnited­States.

 ?? AMERICAN HISTORY 2020 SMITHSONIA­N’S NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ?? Dr. Anthony Fauci holds a coronaviru­s model.
AMERICAN HISTORY 2020 SMITHSONIA­N’S NATIONAL MUSEUM OF Dr. Anthony Fauci holds a coronaviru­s model.

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