Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play



Louie can make 3NT: He lets East’s jack win the first spade. East returns a spade: queen, king, ace. Louie starts the clubs, and if West wins, his only entry to his spades is gone. If East wins, he has no more spades, and Louie has time to force out West’s high club and win 10 tricks.

To win the first spade would be right only if West held both the A-K of clubs and five spades: not likely.

You hold: K9654 96

762 K 8 3. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles, you bid one spade and he raises to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Bear in mind how much worse your hand might be. You would have responded one spade, doing your duty, with no points and four ragged spades. Partner knows that, yet he is willing to play for eight tricks. If you trust him, bid four spades. He may have A Q 8 2, A K54,3,QJ72.

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