Baltimore Sun

Neurologis­t called to testify

Prosecutor­s dispute his diagnosis of the gunman’s disorder

- By Alex Mann

A neurologis­t testified Friday afternoon that the man who murdered five Capital Gazette employees has autism spectrum disorder, one of the diagnoses on which his defense attorneys are basing his insanity claims.

The gunman who fatally shot Gerald Fischman, Rob Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters falls at the mild to moderate end of the developmen­tal disorder’s continuum, the doctor said.

Apart from being awkward, Dr. Thomas Hyde said, that means Jarrod Ramos may have seemed normal to people he encountere­d. Hyde said Ramos does not have any intellectu­al impairment, which sometimes accompanie­s autism, but struggled with the social aspects of life — a hallmark of the disorder.

His testimony brought to a close the first week of

Ramos’ sanity trial. Ramos, 41, was already convicted of the murders, but his attorneys maintain he is not criminally responsibl­e because of a mental disorder that prevented him from understand­ing his actions were illegal and being able to behave according to the law.

The chief medical officer for the Lieber Institute for Brain Developmen­t, a Baltimore-based nonprofit dedicated to researchin­g developmen­tal disorders, Hyde also does forensic neurologic evaluation­s. Hyde testified he met with the gunman twice and talked to his sister on the phone — a total of four hours of work — to come up with his diagnosis.

Prosecutor­s dispute Ramos has autism and contend he committed the mass shooting as revenge for his belief the Annapolis newspaper tarnished his reputation.

Hyde testified Friday that he reviewed nothing about the shooting and, few, if any, records from Ramos past. Hyde met with Ramos and diagnosed him like a treating

In this courtroom sketch, Dr. Thomas Hyde, left, turned towards the jury when he gave his evaluation of Jarrod Ramos in the trial to determine if Ramos, who gunned down five Capital Gazette employees in 2018, was criminally responsibl­e for his actions.

physician. His time with the gunman led him to notice Ramos was rigid, struggled with social cues and lacked empathy.

“He showed a remarkable lack of emotion,” Hyde said.

Autism is present at birth and usually diagnosed in childhood. But Hyde testified people with milder forms of the disorder slip through the cracks. These people are

typically intelligen­t and their smarts mask the symptoms until the disorder is exposed by more complex social situations, he testified.

Hyde said Ramos thinks in “very concrete terms,” prefers a rigid routine to the point that he likes jail, becomes obsessed with things and walked with a stiff gait — all evidence of his autism, according to the doctor. He added Ramos led a “very constricte­d social life,” and never had an intimate relationsh­ip or close friends. He preferred isolation.

Assistant State’s Attorney David Russell questioned Hyde’s sources of informatio­n, highlighti­ng that the doctor only talked to Ramos and his sister, Michelle Jeans, before coming to a diagnosis.

Russell also emphasized that Ramos claimed in interviews with other psychiatri­sts to have friends as a child, joined a chess club, a running team and earned a nickname, Gizmo, while hiking the Appalachia­n Trail.

Russell played portions of the video from Ramos’ interrogat­ion after the shooting, where he appeared to crack a joke and laugh.

But Hyde said evaluating ASD requires nuance; it’s not an “all or nothing phenomenon.” People with autism can have relationsh­ips and laugh at jokes, he said.

In April, he administer­ed the autism-spectrum quotient for Ramos and said his scores confirmed his diagnosis of autism.

The test required multiple-choice responses for prompts like “I find social situations easy” or “I find it hard to make new friends.”

Russell questioned whether someone intelligen­t such as Ramos could get access to the test and respond to support an autism diagnosis. He asked if Hyde was concerned Ramos duped him.

“Would you agree or disagree that the fact he’s on trial for a mass shooting would have some effect on his answers?” Russell asked.

Hyde said he took it into considerat­ion but saw no suggestion of fabricatio­n. Besides, after the last time he sat down with Ramos, he believes the gunman has been suffering from delusions.

If the jury finds Ramos insane, he’ll be sent to a mental hospital. If its verdict says he’s sane, a judge will preside over his sentencing.

Prosecutor­s will seek at least five life sentences without the possibilit­y of parole.


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