Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart


South should ruff a club at Trick Two, take the A-Q of trumps and ruff a club. He cashes the K-A of hearts and ruffs his last heart in dummy. South then leads the jack of clubs and discards a diamond: a loser on a loser.

When West takes the queen, he must lead a heart or a club, conceding a ruff-sluff, or lead a diamond from his king.


You hold: ♠ QJ84 ♥ K4 ♦ 762

♣ A J 4 2. The dealer, at your left, opens one diamond. Your partner doubles, and the next player bids three diamonds. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your opponent’s preemptive three diamonds forces you to stretch slightly. You would bid three spades to compete if your

king of hearts were a low heart. As it is, bid four spades. You have 11 good points and partner’s hand is short in diamonds, so you will have a chance.

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