Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“So people say I have a problem respecting authority. As if they’re the experts.” — Cy the Cynic

Like a typical cynic, Cy distrusts everything and everybody. I watched him play today’s 6NT. West led the six of spades: three, jack, ace. Cy then took three diamonds (East followed) and four clubs (East threw a spade). Cy next led the nine of hearts to dummy’s ace and a heart to his queen. When East discarded, Cy took the king and lost the last two tricks.


You hold: ♠ 1073 ♥ AK87

♦ K7 ♣ A Q 5 3. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You double, and your partner bids one spade. What do you say?

ANSWER: Though you have more than a minimum hand for your double, your partner was obliged to respond. He has promised no strength and may have none, and your spade support is not what you would like it to be. Pass. Since you have a diamond stopper, a bid of

1NT would be barely defensible.

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East dealer

Neither side vulnerable

“When East shows three diamonds and three clubs, you know he has just one heart,” I scolded Cy. “Take the queen and lead the nine, planning to let it ride. If West plays an honor, you get back to your hand with a club to pick up the hearts.”

“What if East has only five spades,” the Cynic retorted. “People have been known to open a weak two-bid with a five-card suit.”

Cy should assume that East had six spades. But if he really thinks East might have a five-card suit, Cy could duck the first spade to find


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