Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Another letter landed in my mailbox from the Society

of Finessers, chastising me because declarers in my column deals never seem to win a finesse.

“Sir: We must again protest your disdain for the finesse, an honorable technique that works fully half the time — except in your columns.”

I suppose I must throw the Society a bone occasional­ly. In today’s deal, West leads the K-A and a third club against four hearts, and East ruffs and leads a diamond: queen, king, ace. South leads a trump to his queen and — good news, bad news — the finesse wins, but West discards.

You hold: J963 None

KJ1095 A K 6 4. Your partner opens one heart, you bid one spade, he rebids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner then rebids three hearts. What do you say?

Your 2NT tried for game, and partner rejected. He has long hearts but a minimum hand. A pass is your discipline­d action now. You might have bid two diamonds at your first turn, but if you planned not to force to game, to respond one spade was reasonable.

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