Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Today’s South was one of those “self-made” players who will proudly assert that he has never read a book on bridge.

Against four spades, the defense quickly cashed three heart tricks, and West then led the three of diamonds. The self-made declarer won with the ace and took the queen and ace of trumps. When West discarded, all the inborn ‘card sense’ in the world wouldn’t have helped South; he had to lose a trump to East for down one.


If South told me he’d never read a bridge book, I might have said, “Yes, it shows.”

Anyone can say he’s selfmade, but South should have called in someone else to play this contract.

After South takes the ace of diamonds, he should take the ace of clubs, ruff a club and cash the A-Q of trumps. When West discards, South ruffs another club and takes the K-Q of diamonds. Then the lead is in dummy at Trick 12, and South has the K-10 of trumps behind East’s J-9.

A winning player must acquire a knowledge of technique through reading.


You hold: ♠ AK10652 ♥ 1083

♦ AK6 ♣ 9. The dealer, at your right, opens one diamond. You bid one spade, and your partner bids two hearts. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: Some pairs treat a new-suit “advance” of an overcall as neither forcing nor encouragin­g; with a good hand, the advancer must cue-bid the opponent’s suit. Even if that is your style, raise to four

hearts. Partner needs only a decent heart suit to have a chance.

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