Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Unlucky Louie, who has a houseful of kids (and three more no longer under his roof), says that 75 percent of parenting is anticipati­ng what your kids are going to spill next. Louie would hold down his losses in my club’s penny game if he avoided disasters like the one in today’s deal.

Louie reached a good slam. He ruffed the opening club lead, drew trumps and let the ten of spades ride. East casually played low. When Louie blithely led a second spade to dummy’s jack, East took the king and led a high club. Louie ruffed, but when his A-K of diamonds failed to drop the queen, he went down one.

“There’s no use crying over spilled milk,” Louie sighed.


I’ll spill the beans. Louie booted a cold slam (costing himself and North a chunk of money). After his first spade finesse wins, Louie should

assure his contract by leading a spade to the ace. He can then finesse in diamonds, winning 12 or 13 tricks depending on which defender has the queen.

This week: playing safe.


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