Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play


“Your honor,” the district attorney intoned, “we will prove that South committed a felony, in that he went down at a cold game.”

“State your case,” the judge instructed, and the court kibitzed the evidence.

“Against 3NT,” the DA began, “West led a normal jack of spades. Declarer won with the queen and led the seven of clubs, correctly beginning to unblock the suit. But when West followed with the five, South put up dummy’s ace.

“East discarded,” the DA went on, “and South was sunk. West had two club tricks and could get to set up his spades. Nor could declarer find a ninth

trick in one of the red suits. Down one.”


“My client was unlucky,” South’s counsel roared. “He couldn’t know that clubs were breaking 4-0.”

“Guilty as charged,” the judge ruled. “Declarer should lead the ten of clubs, intending to let it ride. He has two spades, a heart and two diamonds and needs only four club tricks to make 3NT. When East discards, declarer ducks a club next and is safe for nine tricks.”

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