Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

On “Simple Saturday,” I focus on basic technique and logical thinking.

In a beginning class, the teacher may dogmatical­ly tout drawing trumps, lest the defenders ruff declarer’s sidesuit winners. If you think it’s always right to draw trumps, today’s deal should make you re-think.

At four spades, South took the ace of hearts and thought he could safely lead a trump. When East unkindly showed out, West took the jack, king and ace. Dummy then had only one trump left, and though South could ruff a diamond in dummy, he lost a heart.


Every dogma has its day, but this was no day to draw trumps. South has three possible trump losers but no other fast losers; he can leave the trumps alone. He takes the ace of diamonds and ace of clubs, ruffs a club, discards dummy’s low heart on the king of diamonds and ruffs a diamond.

South then ruffs another club. West overruffs with the jack and takes the A-K, but dummy still has a trump for South to ruff his third heart.


You hold: ♠ 8754 ♥ AK8 ♦ A ♣ A J 9 7 3. Your partner deals and opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: You can make a grand slam if partner has a suitable minimum such as A 2, Q J 9 6 4, 8 7 6, K Q 2, and he may have a better hand than that. Tell him slam is likely: Jump-shift to three clubs and support the hearts next. If he has a hand like the one above, with club honors and the ace of spades, he will be suitably encouraged.

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