Baltimore Sun

WWII vets salute fallen GIs on 78th D-Day anniversar­y

- By Sylvie Corbet and Jeff Schaeffer

COLLEVILLE-SURMER, France — Joy and sadness in acute doses poured out Monday on the beaches of Normandy.

As several dozen D-Day veterans — now all in their 90s — set foot on the sands that claimed so many colleagues, they are thankful for the gratitude and friendline­ss of the French toward those who landed here on June 6, 1944.

The sadness comes as they think of their fallen comrades and of another battle now being waged in Europe: the war in Ukraine.

As a bright sun rose Monday over the wide band of sand at Omaha Beach, U.S. D-Day veteran Charles Shay expressed thoughts for his comrades who died here 78 years ago.

“I have never forgotten them, and I know that their spirits are here,” Shay, 98, said.

The Penobscot Native American from Indian Island, Maine, took part in a sage-burning ceremony near the beach in SaintLaure­nt-sur-Mer. Shay, who now lives in Normandy, was a 19-year-old Army medic when he landed on Omaha Beach on June 6, 1944.

For the past two years, D-Day ceremonies were reduced to a minimum amid COVID-19 lockdown restrictio­ns. But this year, crowds of French and internatio­nal visitors were back in Normandy to pay tribute to the nearly 160,000 troops from Britain, the U.S., Canada and elsewhere who landed there to bring freedom.

Several thousand people attended a ceremony at the American Cemetery overlookin­g Omaha Beach in the French town of Colleville­sur-Mer. They applauded more than 20 WWII veterans

who were present at the commemorat­ion.

Amid them was Ray Wallace, 97, a former paratroope­r with the 82nd Airborne Division.

On D-Day, his plane was hit and caught fire, forcing him to jump earlier than expected. He landed 20 miles away from the town of Sainte-Mere-Eglise, the first French village to be liberated from Nazi occupation.

“We all got a little scared then. And then whenever the guy dropped us out, we were away from where the rest of the group was. That was scary,” Wallace said.

Less than a month later, he was taken prisoner by the Germans. He was liberated after 10 months and returned to the U.S.

Still, Wallace thinks he was lucky. “I remember the good friends that I lost there. So it’s a little emotional,” he said.

On D-Day, Allied troops landed on the beaches codenamed Omaha, Utah, Juno, Sword and Gold, carried by 7,000 boats.

On that single day, 4,414 Allied soldiers lost their lives, 2,501 of them Americans. More than 5,000 were


On the German side, several thousand were killed or wounded.

Many history buffs also came to stage a reenactmen­t of the events.

In Colleville-sur-Mer, U.S. Air Force aircraft flew over the American Cemetery during the commemorat­ion ceremony, in the presence of Army Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The cemetery is home to the gravesites of 9,386 people who died fighting on D-Day and in the operations that followed.

Milley had strong words about Ukraine at the American Cemetery ceremony, vowing that the U.S. and its allies would keep up their “significan­t” support to Ukraine.

“Kyiv may be 2,000 kilometers away from here, they too, right now, today, are experienci­ng the same horrors as the French citizens experience­d in World War II at the hands of the Nazi invader,” Milley said. “Let’s not those only here be the last witnesses to a time when our Allies come together to defeat tyranny.”

 ?? JEREMIAS GONZALEZ/AP ?? A World War II reenactor pays tribute to soldiers during a D-Day commemorat­ion ceremony Monday in Saint-Laurentsur-Mer, France.
JEREMIAS GONZALEZ/AP A World War II reenactor pays tribute to soldiers during a D-Day commemorat­ion ceremony Monday in Saint-Laurentsur-Mer, France.

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