Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

The way today’s declarer handled his modest contract of two spades reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw: “Where are we going, and why am I in this handbasket?”

South did well to hit the brakes at two spades. North had not raised to two spades directly — he couldn’t have much — and the value of South’s K-J of hearts was unclear.

When West led the jack of clubs, South took the ace, led a trump to dummy and returned a heart to his jack. West took the queen and led a second trump.


South won in dummy and led another heart to his king, but West won and led a third trump, removing dummy’s last trump. Then South had two more hearts to lose plus two diamonds. Down one.

South didn’t judge the play quite as well as the auction. He should lead a low heart from his hand at Trick Two. If West returns a trump,

South wins and concedes a second heart. He can win the trump return and ruff a heart in dummy to assure eight tricks.


You hold: ♠ AQ1084 ♥ KJ54

♦ A54 ♣ A. Your partner opens one heart. The next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: You may have a grand slam and should let partner know immediatel­y. Jump to two spades and support the hearts next. He should be encouraged if he has a good heart suit and the king of spades. With 765,A10862,K7,KQ2,he will be discourage­d. This problem shows why I prefer strong jumpshifts and do not advocate “weak jump-shifts.”

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