Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

When Eddie Kantar died on April 8, the world of bridge lost a beloved personalit­y. Eddie was an extraordin­ary player and teacher, but best known for countless articles and books, written in an inimitable style.

For years, Eddie contribute­d play problems to the Daily Bulletins at the ACBL North American Championsh­ips. To

honor his memory, that practice continued at the Summer NABC, drawing on his unpublishe­d material.

Many of Eddie’s problems challenged declarer to combine chances. Against four spades, West leads a low heart. East plays the queen.


Eddie notes that South has a heart loser and maybe a trump and two clubs, but he can pitch his clubs on dummy’s diamonds. He must make sure West can’t get in to lead a club through dummy’s king.

South should duck the first heart (so West can’t win a heart trick), win the heart return, cash the king of spades and let the jack ride. Even if East had the queen, he could only cash the ace of clubs to stop an



You hold: ♠ 4 ♥ KQ6542 ♦ 105 ♣ A Q 10 2. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he raises to three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your hand has become quite powerful. You have extra heart length, a spade control and a source of tricks in clubs. To bid 4NT, Blackwood, would be reasonable. Partner might hold A 7 3, A J 9 3,

A Q 8 6 4, 3. If you prefer to go slower and involve partner in the decision, cue-bid four clubs.

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