Baltimore Sun



On Nov. 26, 1864, English mathematic­ian and writer Charles Dodgson presented a handwritte­n and illustrate­d manuscript, “Alice’s Adventures Under Ground,” to his 12-yearold friend Alice Pleasance

Liddell; the book was later turned into “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” published under Dodgson’s pen name, Lewis Carroll.

former slave and abolitioni­st Sojourner Truth died in Battle Creek, Michigan.

In 1883,

the National Hockey League was founded in Montreal,

In 1917,

succeeding the National Hockey Associatio­n.

In 1942, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered nationwide gasoline rationing, beginning Dec. 1.

In 2000, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certified George W. Bush the winner over Al Gore in the state’s presidenti­al balloting by a 537-vote margin.

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