Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic is always dieting but insists he’s not overweight. Cy says that, according to the charts, he is three inches too short.

Cy came up short of tricks at today’s slam. He ruffed West’s king of spades and took the A-J of trumps. When East discarded, the Cynic tried to unblock his high diamonds, but West ruffed the third diamond and led another spade.

The Cynic ruffed, led a trump to dummy and threw two clubs on the J-10 of diamonds, but then he had to try a club finesse with his queen. Down one.


Cy has a “wait” problem: He won’t take time to plan his play. At Trick One, Cy can discard a blocking high diamond. He ruffs the next spade and takes the A-J of trumps and two diamonds. Cy can then lead a trump to dummy and discard three clubs on the J-10-9 of diamonds.

Cy might also ruff the first spade. He could take the A-9 of trumps, ruff the last spade and lead high diamonds. If West ruffed the third diamond, he would be end-played.


You hold: ♠ AKQ76 ♥ 754 ♦ 75 ♣ K J 6. You open one spade, and your partner bids 1NT. The opponents pass. What do you say?

ANSWER: In “Standard” methods, a rebid of two spades would suggest a six-card or longer suit. Pass, though to bid two spades anyway might work when you hold a strong five-carder and weakness in both red suits. In the “two-over-one-game-forcing” style, partner’s 1NT response is forcing, and your correct systemic bid is two clubs.

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