Baltimore Sun

Restless legs syndrome in kids

- Mayo Clinic — Julie Baughn, M.D., Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota Mayo Clinic Q&A is an educationa­l resource and doesn’t replace regular medical care. Email a question to MayoClinic­Q&A@

Q: My child moves around a lot at bedtime and has trouble falling asleep. She describes “bugs” on her legs. As someone who was diagnosed with restless legs syndrome, I am wondering if children can develop restless legs syndrome, too? A:

Yes, children can have restless legs syndrome.

You also may hear it called Willis-Ekbom disease, based on the names of the physicians who first described this condition.

Just like adults, children can have sensations in their legs that makes it hard for them to sleep. If the sensation happens regularly, they may have restless legs syndrome, which is a sleep disorder.

Restless legs syndrome can occur in about 2% of school-aged children. It also can run in families. Children with symptoms may have a parent who has restless legs syndrome.

The syndrome does not lead to other health problems in children. Treatments are available that can reduce or eliminate restless legs syndrome.

It can be challengin­g to diagnose children with restless legs syndrome, which is characteri­zed by an unpleasant or uncomforta­ble urge to move their legs. Some describe it as a crawling, pulling or burning sensation in the thighs, calves or feet. Children may describe “bugs” or use other such descriptor­s.

The sensation is temporaril­y relieved when they get up and move, or when they shift or stretch their legs. Children also can have “growing pains,” which typically wax and wane, and are not associated with the need for movement.

Symptoms of restless legs syndrome typically begin at night after a person has been sitting or

lying down for some time. These symptoms can occur during the day, too, when a person is sitting, but they typically are worse at night. Children may have these feelings while sitting in a car or classroom. In kids, symptoms can start as early as 5 to 6 years old.

Many people have mild leg twitches as they drift off to sleep. These movements, called “hypnic starts,” are a normal part of falling asleep. They are not associated with restless legs syndrome. Restless legs syndrome is much more uncomforta­ble.

Sometimes muscle and ligament strain can be misinterpr­eted as restless legs syndrome. Usually, however, a strain is relieved by rest; whereas, the symptoms of restless legs syndrome worsen when limbs are kept still.

Sleep studies are not necessary unless children cannot accurately describe their symptoms. Based on how old they are developmen­tally, it can be difficult for them to describe the feelings in their legs, so speak with a health care provider about options.

Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms. Taking a warm bath, massaging the legs, or applying warm or cool packs can calm symptoms of restless legs syndrome. Stretching, followed by regular moderate exercise and establishi­ng good

sleep habits also can make a difference. Caffeine, alcohol or tobacco consumptio­n can trigger or worsen symptoms.

Research shows that too little iron in a person’s diet can contribute to restless legs syndrome. Some young children or toddlers have a high consumptio­n of cow’s milk, which can lead to low iron. You may want to speak to your pediatrici­an about checking their blood iron level.

If the blood iron level is low, eating more iron-rich foods can help. Examples include red meat; dark green leafy vegetables; beans; and iron-fortified breads, cereals and pastas. Your provider also might suggest iron supplement­s, which is usually the first choice to treat children.

No medication­s have been approved by the

Food and Drug Administra­tion for children with restless legs syndrome. Certain medication­s may be considered by a sleep medicine physician if children have not responded to other measures.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? Children can have sensations in their legs that make it hard for them to fall or stay asleep.
DREAMSTIME Children can have sensations in their legs that make it hard for them to fall or stay asleep.

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