Baltimore Sun

Hogan has set up Moore for success

- — Virginia Bennett, Towson

Dan Rodricks welcomes our new governor with high marks and anticipati­on (“Dan Rodricks: Wes Moore delivers the inspiring speech we’ve been waiting to hear,” Jan. 19). He also acknowledg­es the perks and advantages that Gov. Wes Moore inherits including a surplus of several billion dollars and the highest median household income in the country. The population in Maryland during the last two administra­tions rose from 5.8 million to 6.16 million, and the state is number one in the U.S. in millionair­es per capita, growing in eight years from 7.9% of Maryland households to now 9.72% (despite Florida’s weather and lack of income tax). On the minus side, our unemployme­nt rate is 4.7% vs. the nation’s 3.5%.

Among the most important figures inherited by Governor Moore from the previous administra­tion, which included the pandemic years, was the growth of 2,520 new businesses in Maryland to 17,1841 total, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Together with the population increase and household incomes this means the tax base for Maryland’s budget increases dramatical­ly.

These numbers total up to an impressive base on which the new governor begins. And Larry Hogan has earned a prize, namely a cold drink and a palm tree.

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