Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

The fabulous Ducky van Tassel played at my club yesterday. Depending on how the stock market closed, Ducky is either the third or fourth richest person in town.

When told that Proctor and Gamble had split, Ducky said that was a shame after they had been together for so long. She is no better at addressing bad splits as declarer.

When Ducky played at today’s six hearts, she ruffed the second spade, cashed the ace of trumps and muttered something unladylike when

West discarded. Ducky next took the A-K of diamonds and ruffed a diamond in dummy

... and East overruffed. Ducky had to lose another trick: down two.


Ducky must have been thinking about her stock portfolio. After West shows out on the first trump, South can take the A-K of clubs, lead a diamond to dummy and continue with high clubs.

If East ruffs — discarding is no help — South overruffs and draws trumps. Dummy still has a trump, and South can ruff a diamond in dummy and finish the clubs to make the slam.


South dealer N-S vulnerable

NORTH K6 8753 A5 QJ763

WEST QJ1054 None QJ96 10952

SOUTH 3 AKQ102 K8742 AK

Opening lead —

A9872 J964 103


North 3


You hold: ♠ K6 ♥ 8753 ♦ A5 ♣ Q J 7 6 3. Your partner opens one club. The next player doubles.

What do you say?

ANSWER: To redouble, showing 10+ points, would be acceptable, but when the auction may be competitiv­e, you may do well to give partner a descriptio­n of your hand promptly. A gadget can help here: Bid 2NT, convention­ally showing a limit raise of partner’s suit. With a stronger hand, you would redouble. Avoid a bid of one heart.

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