Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic had been absent from the club.

“What have you been up to?” I asked when he showed up for a penny game.

“Tending to my taxes,” Cy said shortly.

“Do you use Form 1040 or


“The only difference,” the

Cynic growled, “is whether the IRS or your CPA gets your money.”

As today’s declarer, Cy learned that the play to the first trick can make all the difference. When West led the ten of diamonds against four hearts, Cy swiftly covered with dummy’s jack: queen, ace. Cy drew trumps and led another diamond, but East won with the eight and shifted to a club. The defense got a club, the ace of spades and East’s king of diamonds. Down one.


Cy erred at Trick One. He must play low from dummy and from his hand.

If West shifts to a trump — nothing else is better — Cy draws trumps and leads the ace and another diamond. East can win and lead a club, but Cy takes the ace and discards his club loser on dummy’s diamonds, losing only three tricks in all.


West dealer

Both sides vulnerable

NORTH K75 Q92 J9732 Q5

WEST AJ1062 64

10 K8632


Q9 AKJ105 A654 A7

North Pass


EAST 843 873 KQ8 J1094

East South Pass 1

Pass 4

You hold: AJ1062 64 10 K 8 6 3 2. Neither side vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?

ANSWER: Even in a sound overcallin­g style, this type of hand demands action. Many players would bid one spade. A convention­al option is a “Michaels” cue bid of two hearts, promising length in spades and one of the minor suits. That call typically shows a hand with playing tricks but limited defensive strength.

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