Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play


A middle-aged couple had joined my club and was playing in duplicate games.

“They say they want to make their marriage more exciting,” Cy the Cynic told me as we were sitting in the lounge.

“I tried to add some excitement to my marriage,” Unlucky Louie sighed, “but my wife found out.”

“How well do they play?” I asked the Cynic.

“You be the judge,” Cy said, displaying today’s deal.

“They were North-South.

Their bidding to four spades was fine, but the husband was declarer and made the play more exciting than it should have been. I was West and led the ten of clubs. My partner took the ace and returned the five.”


“Declarer won and led a trump at the third trick. I took the ace and led a third club, and East ruffed and cashed his ace of hearts for down one.”

“I think I get the idea,” I said.

Declarer had a blind spot. After he wins the second club, he must take dummy’s A-K of diamonds to discard his last high club. Then he can lead a trump safely.


South dealer N-S vulnerable

NORTH J3 Q1092 AKJ4 642 8753 932 109873

SOUTH KQ109754 K6



West North East Pass 2 Pass Pass 2NT Pass All Pass

Opening lead — 10

You hold: J3 Q 10 9 2 AKJ4 6 4 2. The dealer, at your left, opens three clubs. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say?

ANSWER: You have 11 good points, and your partner was willing to play for nine tricks even if you had none. He will usually have support for the unbid suits, especially for the majors. Jump to four hearts. If partner’s hand is A K 8 7, A K 8 4, Q 7 6 5, 3, you may take 12 tricks.

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