Baltimore Sun

The BalTimore Sun CroSSword



1 Salinger title girl who says, “I prefer stories about squalor” 5 Spanish “other” 9 Las Vegas

WNBA team 13 Dress up like 14 French endearment that means “cabbage” 15 Pound the

pavement? 16 *External

troublemak­er 19 __ Pueblo, New

Mexico 20 PowerPoint unit 21 Brewpub fave 22 Bubble bath


23 *Prized

possession 26 More spread out 28 Dice game 29 Tech journalist

Swisher 30 Vegetable in

aloo matar 32 Craft project

initials 33 *Camera attachment for a panorama 38 Acne treatment


39 Lout

40 Indie rock’s __


42 Passport mark 45 Make damp 47 *Space-saving option for overnight guests 51 Frustratin­g


52 “One more

sleep” time 53 Gushing reviews 54 “__ You Babe” 56 “Remember what you were about to say,” and what the answers to the starred clues literally do 60 “Hamilton” Tony winner Renée __ Goldsberry 61 Dance move 62 Stink 63 Cambodian

currency 64 Picks up a Bug, 17 Web access cos.

say 18 Wyo. neighbor 65 Edit menu 22 Query option 24 Get even with 25 Laundry room

appliances 1 Self-importance 27 Semicircul­ar 2 Lefty antenna 3 Spy played by housing

Greta Garbo 31 Before now 4 Big petrol 32 Author who

seller wrote on Friday? 5 Med. condition 34 One-sided, that may be in legal treated with proceeding­s Paxil 35 Meaty Moroccan 6 Alter ego of dish

“Batman” villain 36 Much of the Lorelei Circe atmosphere 7 Explorer

Amundsen 8 Saul Bellow’s “The Adventures of __ March” 9 __ moment’s

notice 10 Crumbly Mexican

cheese 11 Hybrid music

genre 12 Wets with a


15 Lettering guide

DOWN 2/9/23

37 Did some digging 41 Toronto’s prov. 42 Feminine pair 43 Copenhagen’s __

Gardens 44 Antarctic


46 Prefix with


48 “Hush, ya big

baby!” 49 Nautical “Halt!” 50 BTS hit “__


55 Ashram adviser 57 Broadband


58 Some PCs 59 Ref’s ruling

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