Baltimore Sun

Bridge Play

- Frank Stewart

“Some people can’t count to ten,” Unlucky Louie grumbled to me, “and they’re always ahead of me in the express checkout line at Wal-Mart.”

“You’re lucky,” Cy the Cynic told him. “Some of my partners can’t count to six.”

As today’s West, Cy had led his singleton heart against South’s two spades.

“My partner took the K-A and led a third heart,” Cy said. “I ruffed and shifted to a club, and partner took the ace and returned a club. South won, lost to the ace of trumps and took the rest when the diamond finesse worked for him. We got five tricks because my partner couldn’t count to six.”


A defender must count his tricks. East can see two hearts, a heart ruff and two aces. If West holds the king of clubs, East has no worries; otherwise, the defense will need an extra trump trick.

After East takes the top hearts, he must lead the ace and a low club. West’s heart ruff can wait. When East is in with the ace of trumps, he gives West a heart ruff and gets a club ruff.


East dealer

N-S vulnerable


WEST 862


K982 97542


A4 AK10976 1076


SOUTH K10953 J52



You hold: A4 AK10976 10 7 6 A 8. Your partner opens one spade, you respond two hearts and he raises to three hearts. What do you say?

ANSWER: Slam is likely. If your partner has K Q J 9 3, Q 8 4, A 4, 7 6 5 — barely an opening bid — you can make 7NT. Cue-bid four clubs to show the ace and suggest slam. If partner signs off at four hearts, you will have to judge whether to pass or continue with a further cue bid of four spades.

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