Baltimore Sun

1 man dead, 5 people injured in West Baltimore shooting

Among the hurt, 1 is in critical and 4 are in stable condition

- By Tony Roberts

One man died and five other people were injured, including a 15-year-old boy, in a shooting early Thursday morning in West Baltimore’s Mosher neighborho­od, police said.

Western District patrol officers responded to the 2800 block of Edmondson Avenue for a ShotSpotte­r alert shortly after midnight.

One there, officers located five men and the boy suffering from gunshot wounds.

After medics responded, they pronounced one man dead on the scene. His name will be released once he has been identified and next of kin has been notified, police said.

The other victims were transporte­d to local hospitals, including a 24-year-old man who was in critical condition. The 15-yearold and the other victims, whose ages were 18, 21 and 22, were in stable condition.

One witness told The Baltimore Sun he heard as many as 30 gunshots.

On Thursday afternoon, bullet holes could be seen in the reinforced glass of the front door of a Subway restaurant in Princess Plaza at Edmondson.

The shooting comes after another man was shot in the area earlier this week, said Nana Nguetcho, a 39-year-old Edmondson resident. In the earlier shooting, Nguetcho said he heard gunfire and saw someone lying on the ground.

“I could see his neck move, but I don’t know if he was living or not,” he recounted Thursday. “It’s scary. Seriously, it’s scary.”

James, a 71-year-old lifelong Baltimore resident who declined to give his last name for fear of retaliatio­n, was pumping gas near the shooting scene on Thursday afternoon.

He said he loves Baltimore but would like to move if he could afford to, adding that he’s tired of seeing trash and drug parapherna­lia “every time I go out of the door.”

“This city is going straight to hell,” James said. “I think our leadership is allowing this to happen. I don’t how to fix it, but something needs to be done by our leaders.”

Sean Colbert, an Edmondson-area resident said he and other residents want the police officers who are patrolling Edmondson Avenue to be from that area so they can be more aware of what’s going on day to day. But, he added, the community needs to be more open to working with law enforcemen­t to stop crime.

“We need to get involved before you are involved, meaning get involved when it’s your neighbor’s child before it’s your child,” Colbert said. “We all have to come together to work on solutions and stop fighting each other on what is the right solution because insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result.”

Homicide detectives are asking anyone with informatio­n to contact them at 410-396-2100 or Metro Crime Stoppers at 1-866-7Lockup.

 ?? KARL MERTON FERRON/BALTIMORE SUN ?? Damaged glass shows evidence of gunfire Thursday at a Subway off Edmondson Avenue.
KARL MERTON FERRON/BALTIMORE SUN Damaged glass shows evidence of gunfire Thursday at a Subway off Edmondson Avenue.

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